I'm a first-time Chicken mom, is this a good mix?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Hi everyone! What a great resource. I'm really excited that this year we've decided to finally add some chickens to our family. We live in a small town and are looking forward to having a backyard flock. We're building a coop with a large run (around 10x8 run) since the chickens can't be free-range (via town ordinances). I do plan on letting the chickens out occasionally when I'm in the yard with them since our whole yard is fenced in. I have 3 kids under 2.5 years so I want to get some friendly, docile, calm birds. I was thinking of 2 Australorps, 2 Buff Orphingtons and 2 Light Brahmas. Is this a good mix or should I get all one type of bird? Can't wait to get our birds!
I have golden comets, very very friendly. Mine follow me around my yard, do tricks, I can pick them up and pet them, hold them, carry them around tucked under my arm. Mine will come over jump in my lap and roost on my leg if im sitting out back with them. And if your looking for eggs... mine lay jumbo sized eggs every day,I can always count on having three jumbo eggs in the nest box every day. One thing I have learned is if you play with them as chicks and handle them when they are young the friendlier they are as they get older. I believe this is why all 7 of my hens are so friendly.
I have to say, I really enjoy having a mixed flock. The variety of color, body shape, and personality is really neat. And if something ever happened to one, you wouldn't have an odd man/hen out. So you might consider the breeds you've mentioned and some of the friendly ones that others have suggested. Of my little flock of five (in my signature), all are friendly and fun except my wyandotte. She's tame, but isn't a lap chicken, and is a little skittish. My EE wasn't very friendly as a chick, but as a 6 mo. old, she'll close her eyes when I hold her in my arms like a baby.
So, I know I'm definitely going to get 2 Australorps and 2 Orpingtons but I'm still trying to figure out what to get as the third breed. I'm just not sold on the light Brahmas. I need the chicken to be relatively docile, get along well with the other chickens and be calm and friendly so my kids don't get scared of them. I'm thinking of these breeds: Light Brahmas, Barred Rock, Golden Comet, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes or Araucanas. Or should I just get 3 and 3 of the Black Aust. and Buff Orps (I'm going for a total of 6 birds). Any suggestions, recommendations, advice??
Those are all great breeds you have listed, several of which we currently have as adolescents. I can say, from my own experience (of course, tons of other people will have different opinions) but though handled just as much as our other chicks, the wyandottes right now are our most flightly, skiddish chicks. As speckledhen said previously, I highly, highly recommend Barred Rocks. Our two are incredibly friendly, love to be held, curious and already seem destined to be lap chickens.
I second the recommendation of Barred Rocks, or Barred Plymouth Rocks as they are also known. I have one and she is my sweetest, friendliest girl. When I was getting my current flock, I wanted them to look different from one another so I could tell them apart easily but also so that I can easily identify their eggs, as each of them lays a slightly different color/size egg. If you are getting 6, rather than get two each of three different breeds, why not get one each of 6 different?
Is it okay to just get 1 of each? I thought of getting 2 each in case one dies or is a rooster. I'm liking to idea of the EE's since I think the kids would like the colored eggs (unfortunately one of my 2.5 year old twins is allergic to eggs so the kids don't eat any). The Barred Rocks sound nice though. So many to great birds to choose from!

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