I'm a new chicken/duck mom

I got my first six golden comets last week along with the last two ducklings at tractor supply. Since then I've magically gained eight more, an austrolop that I'm hoping is a rooster, three smokey pearls, two barred rocks, and two Rhode Island reds.

Besides my feather kids, I also have a cat and dog. I live in rural Wisconsin with my brother on 14 acres, so a rooster isn't an issue. I work the homestead, and my brother works outside the home. My mother has jnformed me she want chickens too, but since she lives in town I guess I'm raising whatever she acquires too.

Besides being the wrangler of all things feathered and fur covered, I am also a gardener and babysitter when needed. My goal this year is to try and get a garden that produces extra food to sell at the local farmer's market. I also plan on selling extra flowers there too. This is my second year gardening, so I'm still learning.

So why did I get into chickens? I blame Friend the pigeon. He was a bird that would visit me when I went to my parent's house and just sit with me outside. I tell everyone I'm working on my fairy tale princess skills, so the more animals I befriend, the closer I get to the ultimate princess skill, fairy godmother in the cottage in the woods.

If you have any books to suggest I read to better help my ducks and chickens, let me know. Also, I'd love to see coop pics, as with fourteen chickens, my other brother's hand me down coop is NOT going to fit the whole flock. As soon as I have a bigger coop built, it gets converted to the Duck Hut.

I'm hoping to make some new friends here and have a "chicken tender" support group here. So, yeah, I'm D, and I'm new here.
Hi! That's an amazing goal you have to sell produce/flowers at market! I found the book The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow to have a good amount of information for the overall health of chickens.
Welcome to BYC. Glad to meet you. Best wishes with your plans. I hope you enjoy your birds!
Besides the forums on ducks and chicken things, you will also find discussion groups on gardening! Enjoy!

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