I'm a terrible chicken dad....too funny


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
Pardon my French............

I always speak to my ladies in a very soft loving voice, whether it's good morning or saying food time or yelling at them for getting out of the pen, but I've always affectionately referred to them as "my Witches".

I know it's wrong, don't judge me.

Well even at a few weeks old these chicks have been the flightiest chicks I've ever seen. They figured out how to get on the roof of the coop and over the fence and once or twice a day i have to go out someone back in. I've never locked a chicken ypmin my life, so having them fencednin seems silly to me to begin with, but I don't want them terrorizing the neighbors.

It turns out my Russian neighbor has been super excited about them anyway and when I threatened him with free eggs his face lit up and in his deep accent bellowed out he loves eggs and will eat them raw with a little salt. (YUCK!)

I get home from work at 530-6 I'm the an, let them out and few hours later always have an escapee or two. This am I could t find two of them and my neighbor said "I don't know vere dey vent".

So, with out even thinking about I cup my hands around my mouth and yell "Come on Witches!" And here they come out of no where running as fast as they possibly could to me.

I didn't realize I accidentally trained them to that and he just about fell off his porch laughing at me.

Now, how the hell do I untrain them?
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You can train them to come to something else and just stop calling them 'Witches' when they are retrained. I trained mine to come when i whistle. I just whistled every time i gave them treats. Its funny to see them come running to the tune of the bridge over the river kui.
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This story made me chuckle - thanks!
I come outside shaking a bag of mealworms - and everyone comes running.....

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