I'm afraid for my flocks lives.

Mine is currently chain link and I will be doubling up with chicken wire so yes I am willing to use the dreaded chicken wire. I live in town and my main predator is hawk.
They can and will come in even if you are right next to the dang chicken.

All you can do is do your best.
I've been reading this thread and I have a question. We have a lot of red tailed hawks on our farm and so far I haven't had a problem but I have seen them watching my chicken yard. I have lg.Orpingtons and I have wandered if these birds are too big for the hawks to attack. Any ideas?
They can kill the birds. Hawks have talons that are huge and can kill animals bigger then them selves. Put CDs around the farm and fake owls. It should help. Hawks have been known to kill goats. So they could kill your birds. Get some roosters, they alert your hens. And plants shrubs and stuff so they have cover. Also Welcome to BYC
I had a hawk come into my yard in the fall last year and go after my Delaware that is larger than my BO. The only thing that stopped the bird was me being on top of things.
I do have a couple roosters that rush the girls into the coop when any bird flies over.I will definitely take advice and put some CDs out,maybe pickup an owl or two at tractor supply. The redtails we have are quite large,maybe 4-5ft.wingspan. I have a couple jack Russell terriers that I have to keep a close eye on when they are out with me too.thanks for the advice.
There are 2 sure cures for issues with birds of prey one is a run with netting or roof on top, the other is illegal but works every time. I personally wouldn't bother with hanging CDs everywhere I don't think it is as effective as some say. A good outside dog is provably the best option for free ranging
CDs, tinsel, owl statues, plastic bags. Those are all a good way to re-purpose your trash but are ineffective for deterring a bird as observant and keenly sighted as a hawk, crow or magpie.
There are 2 sure cures for issues with birds of prey one is a run with netting or roof on top, the other is illegal but works every time. I personally wouldn't bother with hanging CDs everywhere I don't think it is as effective as some say. A good outside dog is provably the best option for free ranging

I have to differ with your opinion on those CD.s. But my idea and approach is slightly different also. Get a cheap CD player , the kind you wont cry about if it gets wet in the rain. Now go on Ebay and order some CD s. the ones with WARNINGS on the label that say """"" offensive language """"" Play those and hawks will stay away.

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