I'm at a loss, please help my hen

Thank u, she is eating more today. I just bathed her and she is looking alert. She apparently couldn't turn siren the yogurt with wheat germ and vitamins. She is on her second serving. I'll give het anything she wants. Poop looked better today and agree is showing a little movement in her legs. Is your hem immobile as well? Is she eating?
Oh that's great to hear!! I am glad she is doing better.
Mine isn't doing so well. I am really not sure what is wrong with her. :(
Oh that's great to hear!! I am glad she is doing better.
Mine isn't doing so well. I am really not sure what is wrong with her. :(

How is your hen, no real change in mine. She is still eating the yogurt mix and she is alert and looking around. She is pushing herself side to side with her legs but that's it. Is your girl eating and pooping?
@Adinafloyd Sadly my Coco passed sometime during the night. I wish I knew what exactly was wrong so I could have possibly saved her. Well I know that I tried and did what I could with what I thought it could be. Knowing that she is now in peace helps I guess. I hope your hen continues eating and improves. Keep me posted.
@MamaChick74 I am so sorry you lost your coco. You can only do so much, you have done your best. Even knowing exactly what it was may not have saved her. Rest easy knowing you gave your best. She isn't hurting anymore. Sending you (((hugs)))
She is still going, she ate yogurt today and this eve I smashed some peas and she really got into eating those, she is very skeet and making some little chicken noises. She still is not using her legs although she can move them and she will push with them.


You could try to make her a sling and place her in it for supervised time - it may help get her upright and possibly get her moving the legs as well.

These are used for all sorts of things, from broken legs/injury, chickens that have Marek's, etc. Search here on BYC or Google for "chicken sling" or "marek's sling" and you may find some inspiration.

Glad to hear she is still eating.
She is still going, she ate yogurt today and this eve I smashed some peas and she really got into eating those, she is very skeet and making some little chicken noises. She still is not using her legs although she can move them and she will push with them.
Have you tried scrambled eggs with some molasses? Or meal worms if you have them. The protein will help with her energy and maybe it will help get her back up on her feet if she is weak.
I need to get some frozen peas...my girls would love chasing those in their area :)
I will scramble some eggs today. Last nite was three first semi soft food agree has eaten. This morning she is eating with zest. Even ate some chick starter. I will make the sling as she is still trying to stand. Thangs for the tips, ill take all I can get. I have a 20 sec video but I don't know how to post it.
Ok guys, my girl is eating well, poop looks good. Still not standing. Well she is standing on her hocks not her feet. She will stand tall on her hocks and preening, naturally she can't walk on her hocks. I have seen her move her feet and they are warm to the touch. What could be wrong with her??

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