I'm being ROBBED

While I agree with everyone else, that the older the hen, the larger her eggs will get; egg size is also influenced by breed. Some breeds, like the White Leghorn are bred to lay huge eggs fairly early on. Others, like my Barnevelder, lay closer to a medium sized egg.They will still get larger as the hen ages, but will probably never get quite as large as the Leghorn's eggs. Since EE's are mixed with other breeds, it will depend on the strain you have. Some of my EE's lay huge eggs, while others are on the smaller size.
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My EE's are almost 3. Their eggs never got as big as the BA's and BO's; they're probably large eggs. And they quit for winter which the BA's and BO's did not do.

But yes, the were small at best when they started.
Thanks for all the input. We were just wondering because my wife has to (nobody shoot me for what I'm about to say) buy eggs for her baking because they aren't big enough.
i agree with everyone else, just give it time. If they did lay a XL egg at this age, they would die. they simply can't pass an egg that big yet, they will when they get older and their pelvic bones expand. these little eggs work well for burgers or toad in the hole toast.
My EE's have been slacking for about two months now. My grand kids keep looking and hoping for another green egg but it must be winter vacation time.
As most have indicated, egg size will increase as the hens get however; however, since EE are crossbreds there is no guarantee that they will lay X large eggs.

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