Im concerned about my 18 week old pullet

[qu ote name="kajira" url="/t/1127292/im-concerned-about-my-18-week-old-pullet#post_17398337"]How's the humidity there? We are in Texas on the coast, and my chickens that died from heat stroke - acted like that a couple hours before dying on me. (They were all big roosters though.) all my smaller hens did fine in the heat, but my big ones couldn't take the humidity+high heat combo.
the humidity is very high. my light brahmas have done okay this summer so far they have a big fan and ice bottles in water with brick and Icein their water. it has been raining here for about 4 days straight so tense have been way down compared to usual and it was not that warm in the coop at all this morning. comb is pale. We moved her to the garage with us and not pointing directly at her
see how full it is, sour breath it could have worms in it, i am guessing worms if it was grassy looking poop, and they dont have access to grass
  • [COLOR=FF0000]$$[/COLOR]. Hairworms. Crop, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine.
hercrop is about the size of a golf ball very firm.I opened her beads and smelled and it smells like feed not like soured or anything
i wonder if her crop may be impacted, that can cause a lot of the symptoms you've described too

read the part about impacted crops, this may be your problem, but if it is you need to figure out how it happened and treat for that
try to massage the crop a few times a day

if it is an impacted crop, you'd want to remove food and only give her water

please read the article @TwoCrows wrote about them, i relinked it for you
Im really thinking impacted crop. Thanks for the article. Here is a pic of her latest poop

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