I'm confused on some PA laws?

Peacocks don't produce like chickens, they don't really have a legitimate reason to be kept that could hold up in court.
More people have been gaslighted into believing animal husbandry/ farming is cruel than there are those who know better, most people who push for chicken keeping just have them for 'likes and up votes", or "emotional support pets". they couldn't bare the thought of culling one, even when necessary, or eating one of their "precious babies". Oregon is a prime example, a mostly agricultural state, ruled by the mostly out of touch yuppies in Portland. They're trying to criminalize any one who raises animals for meat or for milk, claiming 'unconsentual touching of sex organs' or some trop like that, not realizing that an unmilked cow can be in great pain, even splitting her bag if not milked. TLDR, people who want livestock, don't treat them as livestock and those morons have the lawmakers in their pockets.
ah the PETA folks.
There is a lot of money in that 'pet parent' market. One of the dangers of taking farm animals out of urban and suburban areas. 'Why do you have to kill your cow? They sell meat at the store and no animals were hurt!' Not sure of that forum got trolled that day (and it was rather a long time ago, almost 20 years)
Who would have thought there were trolls even in chicken forums. I mean we all have our opinions and I am just as much against unjust laws and government overreach as ANYONE, but you don't change things (especially things like this) by getting fined, having your chickens killed and possibly ending up in jail. You DO have the right to keep "food" on your property, if your property is zoned for that. Imagine if some urban dweller tried to keep a cow on their 1/3 acre plot. Not good for the cow, not good for the surrounding humans. This is why these laws exist, and also so that people can have the *freedom* to choose where and how they want to live. Some people don't want to smell your stinky farm animals and they should have a right to choose to live in a neighborhood that doesn't allow it. If you want farm animals, live in a place that allows them, it's super simple. Freedom doesn't absolve people from being civil to others and respect them, that's why different areas have different rules, so people can live in a place, together, that fits their lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with that.

You seem to be confusing "feds say NO ONE can keep chickens in America" vs. localities saying "the people who live in this area have decided they do not want to live in the vicinity of farm animals"
This is why you're a troll. Of all the points I made, THIS is your response. You completely missed the point. Also, passive aggressively "threatening" people with prayer is vile. Anathema.

Prayer makes you angry? you see it as a threat? Now we're on to the problem.

I mentioned the fact that I never referenced the federal government, because you and your pals tried to call me a sovereign citizen.. or whatever.

You won't shut me up brother.. I'm not intimidated by introvert bullies like yourself.
So I live in lower Swatara, I read here that you can't have birds in the county, unless agricultural and 5 acres?

I'm wondering how accurate it is, because I looked it up and all it says is you can't have nuisances and animals like horses, pigs, cows, geese, etc. No mention of chickens, just nothing bigger than a dog.

I'm getting the coop, it's going to be done soon, and I have neighbors with chickens, I'm confused though about how any of the laws work or if I'm overcomplicating it
I was confused at first. You have to check Chapter 295 - Zoning - live stock for the 5 acre minimum, not just Chapter 104 - Animals. I have written to the Commisioners to get these Ordinaces changed.
Unfortunately, that's not how laws like this work. They should, but they don't.

Do you have the text of the actual local ordinance? That's really the only way to tell exactly what is meant. You should call your municipality/township/borough and ask for a copy of your local ordinances. If you don't live in one of these, then I believe you fall under county law. Most PA counties will have ordinances available online, but you may need to call.

Whichever you fall under, call and ASK before you get chickens, because of they are against local law for you to have, you can be fined and have them forcibly removed from the property. And I am going to guess they cull the birds they confiscate
What a wonderful government.

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