I'm curious - how old would you guess this girl is? Update Post #32

My BA is 38 weeks and laying and has less comb and wattle than that. However, that body does look henny to me, so I guess "I'm not sure".

This is a bad picture of my broody BA, but you can see she doesn't have a huge comb at all..

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Well, an update for those doubters out there
My pullet started to squat a couple of weeks ago and laid her first little pullet egg today.
One of my girls looked exactly like that when the other two who were supposedly the same age (I bought them all together at point of lay, supposedly around 18wks) still had small pink combs and wattles. She was our first to start laying - I'm still waiting for the other two to start and they're now aaround 25 or 26 weeks old.

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She is a hen without doubt. She has a hen face! the shape of the body, the size of the head, the position of the body (more paralell to the floor, males are more uprigth).
I'm sorry for your sake, but like the others, I think that's a rooster. No hen at that age has that much comb. My roo is just over 17 weeks and his comb is just a bit longer. Of course, I could be wrong. I'm no chicken expert. It's just what I would think if it was my chicken. You'll know in the next few weeks-it'll either start crowing or laying eggs!

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