Some of you might remember the problems I had hatching quail. I had one last go and hatched 50+ chicks from shelley's stock, and was super excited.
Now all but two are dead, and I have no idea why. They were fine, great and healthy for about a week or more, and then all of a sudden started dropping like flies for no apparent reason.
I have triple checked everything, and it seems fine. The only thing I can fathom is that the food was contaminated somehow...I'll probably be throwing it out.
Don't think its the water, as my five EE chicks are doing well...
Anyways, I just wanted to THANK all of you guys for all the help you've given me! I will probably still hang around in here and peek at the threads.
It's just with the difficult times we're having, I can't justify spending any more on quail when I have so much heart breaking trouble with them.
I'll probably sell my old Brower incubator, (if interested, ya can PM me.), but hold onto my Brisnea for the future.
Who knows, maybe I'll try again next year or later.

Some of you might remember the problems I had hatching quail. I had one last go and hatched 50+ chicks from shelley's stock, and was super excited.
Now all but two are dead, and I have no idea why. They were fine, great and healthy for about a week or more, and then all of a sudden started dropping like flies for no apparent reason.
I have triple checked everything, and it seems fine. The only thing I can fathom is that the food was contaminated somehow...I'll probably be throwing it out.
Don't think its the water, as my five EE chicks are doing well...
Anyways, I just wanted to THANK all of you guys for all the help you've given me! I will probably still hang around in here and peek at the threads.
It's just with the difficult times we're having, I can't justify spending any more on quail when I have so much heart breaking trouble with them.
I'll probably sell my old Brower incubator, (if interested, ya can PM me.), but hold onto my Brisnea for the future.
Who knows, maybe I'll try again next year or later.