I'm excited! UPDATE---

Awwwww....congratulations!!! I would love to have a broody hen hatch babies. I think that would be so precious! Debeaking is so sad. I am really glad your hen has someone who loves her so much and does everything to give her a happy life.

You need the insect trap thingie I have - I bought a dynatrap a couple of weeks ago - it just uses a fan and traps the insects in a little basket thing at the bottom... they dehydrate and die.
Well I emptied my trap today - I yelled CHICK CHICK CHICK - and all hell broke loose....
I bet your girl would love some half dead or even dead insects to feast on!!!! (chicken jerky)
good to hear you have one with a leg up on the world, would be great to get up in the morning and have had them all hatch out overnight.
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