Im getting battery hens!

I just emailed to see if I can qualify for 3.

If I do.... what kind of quarantine do they need? I understand 30 days... but how far away? My run is "L" shaped, could I block off one section, or do they need their own run in a completely different area?

I really hope I get to help.
Does it need to be an actual farm, anyone know?
Or would a backyard with a coop and plenty of free ranging space work, too?
UPDATE: I typed a whole letter/essay about it for my mom and made it into a slideshow and gave her the information and everything, and I think she actually is thinking about it!!!!
At least she didn't say, "No, we're not getting any chickens!" But she said, "You should show that to (*my stepfather*)." So that's a good sign! I showed her the pictures of how horribly the hens at factory farms are treated and how their beaks are and she said, "That's just mean...It doesn't even look normal! How do they eat???" So at least she's interested!

So I guess we may be getting a few battery hens after all!!!! I hope we can! I would just love to help some poor hens back to health. They would be so spoiled!
I just emailed them to see if I could get 2. I know that isn't a lot, but I will be at my max capacity with 10. I can't wait for a response from them. I live in FL, so hopefully they will deliver here.
I just emailed too... we are also in FL... I hope we can get a few also!

I'm in Florida too, so maybe they will ship this way.... though it is a loooong state so there is no real "convenient to everybody" place
I think everyone in different states should post this info on Craig's List under farm and garden or pets... That way this info will reach people that may not be aware of BYC, but are chicken lovers.....!!!!!
I just got this email

"Much to our frustration, the rescue was canceled. The farmer with whom we had been negotiating misrepresented the ownership of the hens; they were actually the legal property of a contracting company that had no interest
in cooperating with the rescue."


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