I'm getting peafowl, but NEED answers to these questions!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
So I'm saving up for peafowl and I need to know some things about them. I have researched a lot about them, but I would like to know more...

1. I need instructions for a good pen for 2 peafowl (including shelter and room for peachicks... and price range would be nice too...).
2. I need to know if when I breed a Black Shoulder Silver Pied Cock and Black Shoulder S Pied Hen, if I will get Black Shoulder Silver Pied Peachicks.
3. How often peafowl lay eggs and how much.
4. If peafowl can imprint.
5. How much to sell peachicks at.
6. How to know which wormer to use and the signs of them being sick.
7. What kind of food to use (I'm thinking 2 parts Quail feed, 1 part all natural seed and grain, un-cooked kelp meal, meat based protein 2 times weekly, and fruits + vegetables as a treat... if you think otherwise tell me)

Thank You!
This will help me a lot because I CANNOT find this anywhere (except Q #7, but I just want 2nd opinions)!
Hello HL1 and
You will find answers to most of your questions if you dig around here a bit...

So I'm saving up for peafowl and I need to know some things about them. I have researched a lot about them, but I would like to know more...

1. I need instructions for a good pen for 2 peafowl (including shelter and room for peachicks... and price range would be nice too...).
...and many more threads.

2. I need to know if when I breed a Black Shoulder Silver Pied Cock and Black Shoulder S Pied Hen, if I will get Black Shoulder Silver Pied Peachicks.
*Oops, I see that this chart doesn't have BSSP - try a search on this.

3. How often peafowl lay eggs and how much.

4. If peafowl can imprint.

5. How much to sell peachicks at.
...and many other threads

6. How to know which wormer to use and the signs of them being sick.
https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/812128/worming-with-horse-wormer (thanks to Kathy)
Many threads discuss this.

7. What kind of food to use (I'm thinking 2 parts Quail feed, 1 part all natural seed and grain, un-cooked kelp meal, meat based protein 2 times weekly, and fruits + vegetables as a treat... if you think otherwise tell me)

Thank You!
This will help me a lot because I CANNOT find this anywhere (except Q #7, but I just want 2nd opinions)!
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Wow, that's a lot f questions for one thread.

I'll take one question, # 4. Yes, they will imprint if you work with them early enough. I have a two month purple that can't get enough attention. She will ride around on my shoulder, climb around on my arms, set in my lap and on my head and nuzzle in my beard. Oh, and occasionally craps on me too.

The rest of my chicks eat out of our hands and are quite friendly but not as much as Sweepea, she is special.

I'll take a crack at #2, since it isn't on the chart. BS(black shoulder) x BS you should get all BS chicks. Silver pied however doesn't breed true, I think the punnett square ratios would be 25% white chicks(they will be BS but the white will hide that) 25% BS dark pied, and 50% BS Silver Pied. I'm going by memory here, so if I am wrong on this please forgive me, I'm sure if that is the case someone will correct me.
I'll take a crack at #2, since it isn't on the chart. BS(black shoulder) x BS you should get all BS chicks. Silver pied however doesn't breed true, I think the punnett square ratios would be 25% white chicks(they will be BS but the white will hide that) 25% BS dark pied, and 50% BS Silver Pied. I'm going by memory here, so if I am wrong on this please forgive me, I'm sure if that is the case someone will correct me.
Not really a correction, just some additional info...
The BS Dark Pied chicks would actually be BS Dark Silver Pied White Eyed chicks since they received 2 copies of the White Eye gene (1 copy from each BSSP parent).
The White chicks would also receive 2 copies of the White Eye gene (you just can't tell on a pure White bird).
I will help you with Q #7, I use game bird feed for adults at 22% protein pellets for the main food. For treats I feed them tomatoes, sometimes corn, bread, and sometimes I feed them Alfalfa. Not hay I use fresh alfalfa.
Peahens lay eggs in Spring & Summer time durring the breeding season. They lay a clutch of 6 eggs if you don't take the eggs, but if you do take the eggs it seems to vary how many eggs each hen lays. they will keep laying maybe 30 or so eggs total? Mine will lay an egg then skip a day and lay another but once they lay a clutch it can be another week before they lay more eggs if you take them all.

Peachick prices vary based on the variety, age, region, etc.

I don't kinow what quail food is like, but all that food sounds good to feed them. for protien feeding them some cat food or catfish chow works.

you can definately imprint peafowl. I have a three year old peacock that is imprinted to me.

I like using safeguard for goats (the liquid kind) in their water for worming. It is hard to explain how I know when one is sick. I know all of their personalities so when one is acting off I usually start suspecting an illness. they won't come running for food, not interested in eating much, might lie down a lot, droopy wings (unless if it is a peahen about to lay), etc.

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