I'm Goin To Shoot My DH!!!!

Acre of Blessings (Angela) from here on BYC wanted to pull that one on her DH also. Once you calm down, you will appreciate the laugh I'm sure! It really is funny, but then not funny all at the same time! :aww

That's another reason my hubby keeps the shotgun shells locked up around me
He knows when he pulls a good one on me I would lock and load!!!
He deserved what he got.
I, on the other hand, am a big one for paybacks...so, he would still be waiting for my retaliation. He is waiting now for a big one I owe him from 7 years ago. He flew across the bed and smacked me on my butt when I was bent over. Took my breath away and I told him one day he will get it...he has just about dropped his guard so it is time to threaten him again.

Anywho...your hubby is a mean one. We wait patiently for those first eggs...shame on him

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