I'm Goin To Shoot My DH!!!!

Awww! He loves enough to give you a morning thrill! LOL
Ya,,,morning thrill,, I'll give him a thrill,,,,let all the air out of his tires tomorrow morning. He'll have to air up in the dark,,the cold,,the mud,,,yeah,,,,,,

I wish you had pics to post, your face when you saw the egg & his upon realizing the need to duck!

Make sure he finishes the honey-do-list before you take care of him lol.
yeah,,,a real DVD moment there kbarrett,,,,just as long as the camera is pointed his way,,with his face,,,I'd loose all my friends if you saw mine,,,hahaha!!!
Just smile sweetly, and remind him that he has to sleep sometime...
Let the anticipation of payback build for a little bit...

Ok peeps, if you are gonna play with the big dogs you gotta learn how to bite.

Paybacks are
Wait a few days and have a hard boiled egg on hand, place it in the coup. Go out to the coop and get the "real first egg" and carry it gently and go show it to him pretending to be all caring and protective of it, then turn on the sucker! Crack it over his head. He will pee himself thinking you are cracking a juicy egg on his head!

I agree within the week is more fun.

You other DH's are cruel if you are gonna play that prank on your wife. How would you like us to come tell you your favorite hunting dog is dead!!! Same song different verse guys!
Depending on how much insurance he has and how generous you are, you and I might be able to come to a contractual agreement.

TSK, TSK, I'm waggin my finger at you Joe....

When they DO start laying, go to the grocery and buy a big carton of eggs, place them all in the nests and ask him to go collect eggs. See if he figures out he's been "Punk'd"

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