I'm Goin To Shoot My DH!!!!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Just smile sweetly, and remind him that he has to sleep sometime...
Let the anticipation of payback build for a little bit...


Why am I getting the idea that we're in the making of an all new episode of "Snapped"?​
yep i know the feeling--except it was a huge goose(?) egg placed in the chicken nest box(we don't have geese). i was runnin' around checkin' chicken butts--poor things. SO and best friend both let me go with it for 2 whole days. i still have not gotten them back.......
. i took pictures and everything.
I'm glad I saw this post. We have five leghorns that were waiting to lay. I considered buying the white eggs at the store to play the joke on my kids. I never thought about getting bombarded by the eggs when they found out that is was a prank. Lucky for me one of my leghorns laid our first white egg. Whew, that was close!!
Why not find someone in the area who can give me a goose egg ~

put it in the coop ~

let him find it ~


get a nice ceramic egg . . . something that would not make a very good Sunday breakfast for a hungry DH . . .
Or use a needle to fill a fresh egg with Tobasco sauce and let him crack that sucker open for breakfast one morning. That looks pretty scary if you don't know what it is...

(Had an egg-sucking dog back on the farm. Didn't cure the dog of sucking eggs though. Guess he liked 'em spicy.)

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