I'm going to kill my husband

Oh dear ur DH better run for the hills. My DH said something about getting Emus and I told him if you need his hinny kicked I can kick it without the added cost of an emu.
Jeez, sorry guys, for some reason I just saw this now....I guess it's my "Mark all topics read" habit. One hatched, the egg that was due with him was clear, so we sent him to live with another 3 emu chicks on another farm. After that, we had a kid visit and pull the bator off which cracked our other two eggs. One died, one hatched. My grandmother has insisted on keeping this one and he's doing quite well.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Tell him to wear a bra for the next 21 days with one egg in each cup.

They probably won't fit in your bator so he's gonna have to do the incubating the old fashioned way. Try really hard not to snicker while telling him all of this with a perfectly straight face. Tell him you read it here.

ROFLOL, that is too funny!

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