I'm hurting....

It was set on getting in, it dug a big hole to get under the back side of my fence. the worst part is, I realized that it wasn't trying to get away from me or acting scared, so I though, crap this thing might be sick. I pages my local ACO, no returned call. So then I called the local police dispatch and had them contact him and have him call me. When he did (6hrs later) I explained what happened, and my fear of possible rabies issue (lots of kids and other pets in the area) and his reply was, well you can cage it and bring it to the state lab, or I can, but if I do it, it will cost you $40. WHAT!!! What is the point of my taxes paying for an ACO if he is going to charge to protect animals and people. So me being me and already having to fight with the town once about my chickens, called my friendly resource in the state department of animal welfare (good friend of mine) and she told me he was full of BS, that was his job, which I knew. So Tuesday after the holiday, I will be filing a complaint with the town, and the state, what a jackass. Man, if he doesn't wanna do his job, I will. This is the same guy that stopped at my house on mothers day, when I was with both my mom and MIL, and my wife and I were telling them we were having a baby, and in the middle of all the excitement knocked on my door and said, you have two unregistered dogs here, and basically wanted to take them. I whipped their collars off and stuck the tags in his face and asked him what they looked like. I registered through the state and the town hadn't listed it yet. This guy is a jerk wad.....I think I want to be an ACO

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