im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

hi the fox, i have a co-op agent going through about 300 pages of laws, so far he has found some helpful stuff, one of which is if a commissioner gives the "ok" and said animal keeper gets permission from the neighbors and a permit, then its ok!?!? heck that's a piece of cake for me, my neighbors truly love my chickens!

Good for you!
hi the fox, i have a co-op agent going through about 300 pages of laws, so far he has found some helpful stuff, one of which is if a commissioner gives the "ok" and said animal keeper gets permission from the neighbors and a permit, then its ok!?!? heck that's a piece of cake for me, my neighbors truly love my chickens!

Good for you!

Whoa, hold on, who issues the permit?

The city?

The county?

The state?
Good for you!

Whoa, hold on, who issues the permit?

The city?

The county?

The state?

ummmm,..........hmmmmm, well, i had got that bit of news at close to 5pm, so i hope he picks back up reading in the morning, hopefully ill get that answer, i did talk to some of the council members, they all seem really nice, nobody told me i was flat out wasting my time, in fact encouraged me to make sure i be at the meeting, and they all know i am coming, i also read our local paper, they had the agenda for the meeting in there listing the things that will be on for the 12th, but, i didn't see anything about me or my cause???hmmm well, i am really prepared, ill have to talk like an auctioneer, i only have 5 mins. and i have my pictures of my silkies, when they see those little cuties, they should melt like a snow ball in a hot cast iron frying pan! i should win........................right???
I'm not a lawyer, either, but it seems to me they'd have to PROVE to you that your chickens are illegal. And I agree the supposed ordinance is poorly worded - after all, chickens ARE domesticated animals! If you're collecting cities where chickens are legal, you can include Wichita, Kansas. And Wichita just rewrote its ENTIRE animal ordinance in 2009 (to address problems with agressive dogs), and fowl (including chickens) are still specifically allowed. Your city needs to get with the times! Good luck!
Sonoran Silkies,

Under most state laws a city/town is a corporation that is why the regulation references corporate limits. In fact they generally have a grant of charter from the state.

The problem with that regulation is that it would require the city to cause a regular person to relocate an animal they are not legally allowed to relocate.

In fact the way that ordinance is written you would have to see to it that all kinds of non domestic animals are vacated from your property else you would be in violation of the allow clause.

Did you know that chasing off a blue jay can rise to the status of a federal crime?

That ordinance was fine up until they said "other non-domesticated animals". That little mess up leaves that ordinance in a very bad position.

Oh and while we are discussing things did you know that a corporation is also legally a person?
I'm really sad!
just loaded up all my silkies, they are all gone! i had to comply with the law, so now i wait until Tuesday night, that's when i go before city council, I'm very well prepared, i just want to thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts & prayers, and looking up laws & ordinances for me, & all the advice! ill post as soon as i go on Tuesday.

I got this reply from Lisa Vincent, yesterday.

I will forward your email to our City Manager

hi, i have 7 silkies, of which 2 are roos, they are contained in a 10x20 chain link pen, that has a coop attached, and I've had them about 4 yrs, i also had other chickens, standard size, but i have since re-homed the standards, what brought all this about was, about a month or so ago, there was an intoxicated young man on our street who was raising all kinds of noise such as yelling & cussing at 4:30 am, well someone called the police on him, when the police showed up, he runs through our backyard! well the cops chased him, and when they did, the cops saw my chickens! so i was reported to animal control, well animal control came out bright & early in the morning, but he basically really didn't care about the chickens, because he never had no complaints on them, so, i thought i was ok, so, i had talked to code enforcement, same deal, no complaints so they really didn't care, so i talked to the city manager, same thing.........nobody really cared! so i thought i was good to go.............NOT! this morning animal control comes knocking telling me code enforcement says they must I'm wondering what happened to all this not caring?? my guess is they might be worrying about their jobs? i don't know so i will go try for legalization, now i have the mayor on my side, but he dont get to vote at the council meetings but he can put his 2 cents in! so animal control said he would speak at the meeting, said he would tell the truth, that they are clean & never had complaints, so i hope all will go ok
also, all my neighbors love them, they all miss my big RIR roo, he was re-homed also.

Are the police allowed to enter your property for one reason, and notice something else without a warrant?

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