im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

Dear OneCent,

Two years ago I was the victim of a rabid, hateful, spiteful and violently vicious neighbor who complained about my HENS 'making too much noise" even though he lived two houses away and had no legitimate complaint and was a freeloader living with his sister.

My city allows 10 birds and does not name roosters as a no-no. I thought I had done everything right, including getting signatures from 12 of my closest neighbors approving of the project before I even started. I obtained 12 gorgeous HENS and life was wonderful. Then....

I got into deep poo with the City simply because it was discovered that I built my "shed" (legal at 5' from the property line) too close to the property line (near an empty garage). You see, as soon as you put a bird into the shed, suddenly it becomes dangerous and illegal and one solitary bird must be located no less than 20' from the property according to the City's ordinance (something I didn't understand during my building phase). That hateful and disgusting neighbor fought tooth and nail to force me to get rid of my birds. He succeeded.....for a very short period of time. I went to work on the City with all my might.

Although it took a year, I WON the battle with the city and now my City has created a means by which ALL citizens can house chickens any where they please as long as they obtain a permit from the City. Hooray for me!!

Permits can be a GOOD deal; they surely proved so for me. Now I have peace of mind (and a permanent restraining order against the "perpetrator of evil" along with 10 beautiful hens over which the most hated man in my neighborhoos can ever make me get rid of - ever!

Once Cent......You can win also! If you would like some tips on what I did to win the City's heart, send me a note. I have some very good suggestions which could help you.

A permit in my City is $25 a year. A small pittance for insurance against jerkoffs.

Oh, a small PS.....

It has been my experience that "animal control" is one of the biggest obstacles to sane behavior where anything but cats and dogs are concerned. Nevertheless, they must follow the "ordinance".

hi, i have 7 silkies, of which 2 are roos, they are contained in a 10x20 chain link pen, that has a coop attached, and I've had them about 4 yrs, i also had other chickens, standard size, but i have since re-homed the standards, what brought all this about was, about a month or so ago, there was an intoxicated young man on our street who was raising all kinds of noise such as yelling & cussing at 4:30 am, well someone called the police on him, when the police showed up, he runs through our backyard! well the cops chased him, and when they did, the cops saw my chickens! so i was reported to animal control, well animal control came out bright & early in the morning, but he basically really didn't care about the chickens, because he never had no complaints on them, so, i thought i was ok, so, i had talked to code enforcement, same deal, no complaints so they really didn't care, so i talked to the city manager, same thing.........nobody really cared! so i thought i was good to go.............NOT! this morning animal control comes knocking telling me code enforcement says they must I'm wondering what happened to all this not caring?? my guess is they might be worrying about their jobs? i don't know so i will go try for legalization, now i have the mayor on my side, but he dont get to vote at the council meetings but he can put his 2 cents in! so animal control said he would speak at the meeting, said he would tell the truth, that they are clean & never had complaints, so i hope all will go ok
also, all my neighbors love them, they all miss my big RIR roo, he was re-homed also.

Are the police allowed to enter your property for one reason, and notice something else without a warrant?

i know, right! not worring about a intoxicated person running through my yard, but worring more about sleeping chickens!.........and they didnt catch the person!!!
hi, i have 7 silkies, of which 2 are roos, they are contained in a 10x20 chain link pen, that has a coop attached, and I've had them about 4 yrs, i also had other chickens, standard size, but i have since re-homed the standards, what brought all this about was, about a month or so ago, there was an intoxicated young man on our street who was raising all kinds of noise such as yelling & cussing at 4:30 am, well someone called the police on him, when the police showed up, he runs through our backyard! well the cops chased him, and when they did, the cops saw my chickens! so i was reported to animal control, well animal control came out bright & early in the morning, but he basically really didn't care about the chickens, because he never had no complaints on them, so, i thought i was ok, so, i had talked to code enforcement, same deal, no complaints so they really didn't care, so i talked to the city manager, same thing.........nobody really cared! so i thought i was good to go.............NOT! this morning animal control comes knocking telling me code enforcement says they must I'm wondering what happened to all this not caring?? my guess is they might be worrying about their jobs? i don't know so i will go try for legalization, now i have the mayor on my side, but he dont get to vote at the council meetings but he can put his 2 cents in! so animal control said he would speak at the meeting, said he would tell the truth, that they are clean & never had complaints, so i hope all will go ok
also, all my neighbors love them, they all miss my big RIR roo, he was re-homed also.

Are the police allowed to enter your property for one reason, and notice something else without a warrant?

Yes they can, anything in plain view is fair game.
ok,i just got home from the council meeting, they said they would get back to me, and that i put on a great presentation,(i was so nervous, i thought i was gonna pass out) so all looks promising, everyone came up to me like i was a, i really hope they amend the ordinance
I am sure it is too late to send an email now (I just now saw this thread), but I live in So. Calif. and many cities here allow chickens (Los Angeles, Huntington Beach (just one of the many Orange County cities), Riverside, San Bernardino, etc...I think San Francisco allows them too!). In fact, Los Angeles allows a rooster too (if I remember correctly). I live in a town of 80,000-ish and we are allowed 2 chickens per every 3,500 sq ft of property including 10% roosters. If SoCal is allowed chickens, then NC should definitely be allowed chickens!
( I don't mean it negatively...I mean in the sense that SoCal is nearly all city and urbanized and we are still allowed chickens!).

Good luck and I hope you get your silkies back!
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