im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

hi, please send emails!! they have heard me, now they need to make a decision, the more they see that other cities allow chickens the better! thank you!!

email to: [email protected]

Message sent!!!

thank you so much!
OK, so now that i have spoken at the city council meeting, made the paper, the local radio station, and I'm being recognized as the "chicken lady" oh and after the meeting ended, all the big city leaders came up to me and told me what a great job i did with my presentation, now what???? they said they would get back to me, now the meeting was on Tuesday the 12th, how long should i wait? in other words, what do i do? do i go to any other meetings, do i call them to see whats going on? please, i need all the experience & help i can get! ......I really miss my girls! i hate going in my back yard & they aren't there
I don't know what you can do, but could you get some of the local business leaders to support you. The neighborhood business owners, civic leaders etc. They carry weight with local politicians. Vets, pet stores, grooming. If any of them are on the fence you might nudge them over.

hi imp, yup, i got some of them on my side, in our local news paper, we have a page called sound off,its where local people can call in anonymously, i thought sure there was gonna be some feedback in there, absolutely nothing!........good or i guess........... that's good??? well i guess i sit & wait.
alright, i got a little feedback, someone came over and told me that people have been calling in on the morning radio program, its like 50/50, some of the people say next ill want horses, pigs & goats in the city! oh brother!!!
I'm thinking about calling in myself Monday or Tuesday, the person also told me the mayor came to my defence on the radio, the mayor told them i had a very good presentation with great useful information...........thank you mayor
.............isn't the mayor over something? exactly, what does a mayor do?
Keep asking them for an update; don't drop the ball. I sent them a note with my city's code so they can check out what my city did. If the City of San Diego can do it, any city can do it! My city remodeled their code just for me and it has worked out beautifully.

Good luck!

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