im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

Thank you !! whether i win or lose, i am so grateful that my fellow BYCer's were here listening to me and guiding me through all of this, because nobody understands us,...... but us! so i am going to be thinking positive thoughts and put it in Gods hands!! and everything should go ok! I also have everyone else who is fighting this fight in my thoughts and prayers too!! United We Stand!
Hi everyone, the e-news reporter called me today, all those very nice comments i had, on the story he did, he accidentally lost them when he changed computer formats, oh well, he interviewed me again today, and put this story up, if anyone wants to leave me another comment i would appreciate it, he said he never had so many comments on any of his stories like that one generated. here is the story he did today....

Chicken ordinance set for Tuesday work session
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council should get a recommendation to allow backyard chickens in Roanoke Rapids, Penny Avent says, “I would be the happiest person in the world.”

If not, Avent says she would say, “I’d tried.”

While he would not confirm in a telephone interview today what his recommendation would be, comments by City Manager Paul Sabiston today indicate he will most likely not recommend council go ahead with the matter.

The issue is on the agenda for Tuesday’s 5:15 p.m. work session in city hall, Sabiston said, and the city manager has done what council asked him to do — contact cities and towns which do have urban chicken ordinances.

“Rocky Mount, they have an ordinance that allows chickens,” Sabiston said. “They’re not necessarily encouraging them and they (are only allowed) in larger lots. There has to be so many acres.”

Officials in Rocky Mount didn’t know of anyone keeping chickens, he said.

In Wake Forest there have been three or four permits issued, the city manager said, and Henderson’s ordinance wasn’t much different than the other towns he checked with. “I didn’t get the feeling (they were) strong (proponents).”

While Avent has presented the benefits of backyard chickens, Sabiston said he will include in his memo to council some drawbacks, including disease and problems created by chicks coming from hatcheries as well as dead chickens.

For Avent, raising chickens in her backyard off Powell Street has been one of her pleasures for four years until police discovered she was keeping them while chasing what she described as a drunk person.

Before then she quietly raised the chickens and gave eggs to her neighbors. “My neighbors loved them,” she said. “They’re clean.”

Talks with the county cooperative extension service indicated there would be no problems, she said.

Then, however, the drunken and loud man ran through her backyard, the police after him. “The police said they would have to call animal control.”

She said animal control complimented her on the “nice setup” she had for the chickens but she was still wasn’t allowed to keep them under city ordinances.

In January she went to council to ask if there could be an ordinance. Since then she has become popular in backyard chicken circles. “I’m not trying to be,” she said. “I just want my chickens.”

She said there hasn’t been a run on people buying chickens since she petitioned council to allow them. “I appreciate everyone’s support,” she said, adding later, “I think a permit would be perfect.”
Signed and posted "People have been raising domesticated chickens for centures. Any law banning them is ridiculously short sighted. Beyond making wonderful pets, backyard chickens provide protein (via eggs) for their owners, they also provide natural pest control (cockroaches, tomato horn worms, aphids, grubs, or any other pests including mice!) Chickens do not bark, destroy property, attack the mailman or defecate in the neighbors' yard. Frankly, I would far prefer to live next to a flock of chickens than my current neighbor's constantly barking and snarling dogs."

Good luck hun!!!

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