I'm In The Club!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 16, 2010
Received a call at 6:50AM from my post office that I had some baby chicks there waiting for me. Because they were not open yet for the morning, they told me about the "secret entrance" on the side. I rang the bell, and a women comes out. I tell her that I am here to collect my baby chicks and she looks at me dumb-founded. "Sombody already picked up the chicks". "Huh?" ....my heart sank. Sombody came there and took my baby chicks? I think to myself. Then she tells me to wait a minute. After talking with another person we realize that there were "TWO" deliverys of chicks this day. Phew......... That is actually surprising as, raising chickens in my community I dont think is all the popular. But glad to hear there are others none the less.

Within an hour of the call, I had them home and all were alive and looking well! Got them situated in the brooder after wetting their beaks and theyall took to drinking after about 15 minutes. I started them on Gro Gel this morning and they have taken to it quite well. I will get them on the starter before I go to bed tonight. Also have them on Quik Chick water supplement.

I even have begun introducing my cat "Oliver" to them, who will only be allowed supervised visits until they are much bigger. He certainly was intriuged, but I think he realizes they are MINE!

These are my first chicks EVER and I have been waiting for this day for about 4 years!!! Yeah to me!!!!!

I know pics arewould be great, but they're just another brooder of 15 hens which I know you have all seen before....
I need some help now!

One of my new chicks is having a leg problem. Having searched and looked at photos of Spraddle Leg and that doesn’t seem to be it. She is tucking one leg up under her and not putting any weight on it. Trying to sleep alot and not move. As a result not motivated to eat or drink. Even shakes a bit when she is laying down.

Not sure what to do here. Will taping them together help you think? Maybe separate her for a bit and give her direct care?
Well, I have her in a seperate box within the brooder. The first one wasn't high enough and she kept jumping out. Obviously she cant be that bad off if she was doing that. Now she is resting in the higher box with her own water and food. Still not interested in either.....

I will check her in an hour or so and see how its going. Maybe try to get her to drink then at least.
Oh no, I hope someone can give advice; I'm new to this chicken business too, and have already dealt with some difficult issues (actually dealing with one right now). Good luck!
First of all congrats on your chicks! Wow, that was a long wait!
How's your little one now? Is she drinking at least? I think she may have hurt the leg a bit. Keep her with the others as long as she's o.k. with them and keep an eye on her. When my chicks got hurt they also tried to just "sleep it off", I wouldn't worry too much about that. As for eating, try and tempt her with a treat.

Good luck!
Well an hour has past, and when she woke up at one point, I dipped her beak in the water and she drank waterever came in. Did that two or three times, but she screams when I do it. All she wants to do is SLEEP. I don't notice she's not really shaking any more when sleeping which is good I guess. Just concerned that she has no motivation. Still won't allow her right leg to support. Its weird, cause when I force her to extend the leg down to support her a bit in my hand, she seems to be accepting of it, but on the floor and on her own, she doesn't want to do it....

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