That is great!!!!

Just got caught up! @Crooked Chicken You are awesome! I got such a kick out of you in your chicken suit, altho, I was hoping that roo wasn't going to mate you!
Those AC babies are just too squeee-dorable! I always end up using the broody breaking cage, up on blocks with frozen water bottle under it.
Squeee-dorable.... That's a fantastic word!!!! They are too...I can't leave the poor things
I'm dying for my first-ever egg. My first batch of pullets are 22 weeks--3 silkies, a Mille Fleur d'Uccle, and a bantam cochin. My second batch are two 20 week Ayam Cemanis and a younger stunted one.

No eggs as of yet, although my cochin has had the reddest, plumpest comb ever, red wattles, and is eating the oyster shell I put out for my girls. I have fake eggs in the coop. Every day I run out excitedly looking for eggs, I get an adrenaline burst when I see that fake egg cuz it looks so real! and nothing.

I want an egg!
Somehow it took me to the first page & I saw this. I just wanted to say that I did the same thing! I left a couple eggs in a nest b/c they were laying in weird places and I'd go and check and get all excited that there was an egg in the nest, then realize I put it there.

I stuffed Ziploc bags full of ice and freezer frost and used everything frozen i could get my hands on. Went out every couple of hours to make sure her tush was still
chilly. I was scared to wet a faverolles because they just look absorbent as a mofo so i just went freezer queen on her. From what i gather chilling the tush shuts down the hormones and thus ends the crazy. Miss Tucks is still staying unbroody but she's still got those huge pupils and not going to lie,its freaky.:)
I just love that you said mofo. LOL I swear - a lot.

My daughters saw this video, or one similar, and all freakin' summer long they kept trying to take a chicken into the pool. BUT THEY FLOAT! I don't want poop in the pool, IDC if there's a filter. And I was worried they'd tear a hole in it w/ their feet or beak. We did take a small tub and put water in it in case they wanted to cool off. No one used it.
@andreanar You are my people! I always worry that I'll slip up and offend someone & they'll think I'm a horrible person or something. I have a friend who NEVER swears, like ever in her entire life. When I'm chatting w/ her & swear she doesn't even say the words in her head, she thinks 'bleep' or skips over it. We've been friends long enough that IDC about swearing to her. I've actually had people on twitter scold me for my swearing.
@andreanar You are my people! I always worry that I'll slip up and offend someone & they'll think I'm a horrible person or something. I have a friend who NEVER swears, like ever in her entire life. When I'm chatting w/ her & swear she doesn't even say the words in her head, she thinks 'bleep' or skips over it. We've been friends long enough that IDC about swearing to her. I've actually had people on twitter scold me for my swearing.
Same here! I am terrible.
Wait for the submissive squat. Once they start doing that your a few weeks away from getting eggs.

So I actually have a question about this. As many of you know (cause I've been practically shouting it from the rooftops lol) I finally got my first cochin eggs earlier this week :wee

I strongly suspect it is my Buff girl laying the eggs but I am not 100% certain, because NONE of my cochins will squat for me. I keep trying to hover my hands over them to check but they act like I'm holding a knife above their necks! Fear! Panic! Danger, run for cover!!!! No squatting :he What gives? :barnie

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