This is Pearl. H could be sweet as pie one minute and a complete jerk the next. It was those raging hormones. He and his step-brother Cocoa both drew blood on my hand twice each. Cocoa would roam between the coop and the backyard fence, and would follow me the whole way just waiting for an opportunity. Pearl was usually inside the backyard fence and didn't go out of his way to attack me.

This is Pearl -- having a snuggle on my lap in the kitchen. I truly miss him.

And this is Cocoa

Red Rider, Coca and Pearl when they still got along -- before they got super hormonal
i have 40 chickens one rooster is handicapped runs from the hens and then I have 2 smaller roosters that are just about the age to put in coop with others, but out of all the hens we have we are only getting 8 to 12 eggs a day. we have one hen that lad a nice big white egg, and the easter egger they both stopped laying, I know the easter egger stops laying for a while but not the red islands.
This is Pearl. H could be sweet as pie one minute and a complete jerk the next. It was those raging hormones. He and his step-brother Cocoa both drew blood on my hand twice each. Cocoa would roam between the coop and the backyard fence, and would follow me the whole way just waiting for an opportunity. Pearl was usually inside the backyard fence and didn't go out of his way to attack me.

This is Pearl -- having a snuggle on my lap in the kitchen. I truly miss him.
View attachment 1186334

And this is Cocoa
View attachment 1186340

Red Rider, Coca and Pearl when they still got along -- before they got super hormonal
View attachment 1186341

They're so sweet when they're young. Sigh. Beautiful property, by the way! That's Missouri? I've only been to Ft Leonard Wood, (ex hubbie was at Basic Training there) and it was in November. Very grey when I saw it.
Thank you! Yes, central Missouri. I bought my oldddddd house here about 4 years ago, but only moved here 1-1/2 years ago after my retirement. I love how green it is, but the gray landscape will be here soon and I don't mind that.
Yup, Oregon gets pretty grey too -- I love being in the mountains now though. The big evergreen trees brighten it up, and I dance around like a little kid every time it snows. I'm from warm, sunny places, so this *snow* stuff is still thrilling to me. I lied to my Sweetie, and told him, "Oh, it hardly snows at all out there!" before we moved here. He glares at me every time the flakes start coming down!

How old is your house?

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