Speaking of kids i just went outside to feed the girls lunch and the neighbors youngin was in my backyard feeding the roo gummy bears. I don't mind what i do mind is he's four years old and his mama was holed up on the couch with no idea where he even was! He crossed a busy road by himself, I'm livid.
That's terrifying. I was dating a guy w a 4 year old and while we were sleeping he got up and went over to the neighbor's house (they baby sit him while his dad's at work) b/c their grandkids were over. They brought him back home and put him in the door. We had a nice discussion w/ him about going outside w/o an adult. We had no idea it happened until the neighbor caught the father later that day and told him what happened. Thankfully it wasn't across the street. It's amazing what kids will do if given the opportunity.
I watch him if they need me to and he helps me clean the coop once a week i don't make him he likes it lol! But i walk over and get him and bring him back. His mama is for lack of better terms a lazy drunk so I'm actually pretty shocked this is the first time he's snuck out. I wrote my cell on a post it and told him to call if he wants to see the chickens, he's pretty smart despite his raising so hopefully he will.
That's terrifying. I was dating a guy w a 4 year old and while we were sleeping he got up and went over to the neighbor's house (they baby sit him while his dad's at work) b/c their grandkids were over. They brought him back home and put him in the door. We had a nice discussion w/ him about going outside w/o an adult. We had no idea it happened until the neighbor caught the father later that day and told him what happened. Thankfully it wasn't across the street. It's amazing what kids will do if given the opportunity.
I watch him if they need me to and he helps me clean the coop once a week i don't make him he likes it lol! But i walk over and get him and bring him back. His mama is for lack of better terms a lazy drunk so I'm actually pretty shocked this is the first time he's snuck out. I wrote my cell on a post it and told him to call if he wants to see the chickens, he's pretty smart despite his raising so hopefully he will.
I hope he listens and doesn't try crossing the street alone. It's nice that you find ways to get him involved. Maybe someday he'll have his own little flock.
If i didn't he'd have a crappy life, they don't do anything with him. They got him a dog and just chained it up, they don't ever take him out to play with it. You know, littles like to do and help it makes them feel good. I hate to take him home, he's a totally different boy out of his house.
I hope he listens and doesn't try crossing the street alone. It's nice that you find ways to get him involved. Maybe someday he'll have his own little flock.
If i didn't he'd have a crappy life, they don't do anything with him. They got him a dog and just chained it up, they don't ever take him out to play with it. You know, littles like to do and help it makes them feel good. I hate to take him home, he's a totally different boy out of his house.
That's sad. Hopefully you spending time w/ him will help him know how to parent when he gets older so he doesn't fall into the same trap most kids in that situation do.
I hope it at least teaches him that all adults aren't permanently attached to the couch. I do what i can for the little fella, i feel terrible for him. At least i know he eats good when he's over here.
That's sad. Hopefully you spending time w/ him will help him know how to parent when he gets older so he doesn't fall into the same trap most kids in that situation do.
I made another sign!

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