I'm Off To The Hospital Again =/ **I'm Back Update**

I hope you feel better soon sweetie.... stay on a strict diet for acid reflux, its not fun. My hubby's had it for 15 years and is on Prevacid for it. Really watch what you eat and try not to eat after 7:00 if possible.
Glad you are OK guy... I once had some mints that made me think I was having a MI. Don't do those anymore.

I've also had acid reflux as a problem... I went in and they put radioactive stuff in my blood, checked my heart out from head to toe.

Doc said I had the healthiest heart for big guy he'd ever seen.

I'll bet it's even better now.

BP yesterday was 120/65 with a pulse of 51. (I do strenuous exercise EVERYDAY)
Thanks everyone

I really appreciate all your hugs and prayers and concern

it's really been helping me get through this.

I am over joyed that my heart is healthy and even though i ended up with acid reflux this was a BIG wake up call for me i realize what i was doing these pass 2 years wasn't good for my body and all the junk food i have been eating even though it felt OH so good to eat it.. i was setting myself up for health problems in the long run so NO MORE of that
i even have my mom on my back witch i love and i also need all you on my back to make sure i don't slip!

JMajors: is sending me Fudge and i MUST have that..lol but then i will cut back big time on alot of things i use to eat

Thanks again everyone
You should not call your momma a witch! LOL was that a oops!

and MY FUDGE is FAT FREE, NO CALORIES, HEALTHY and ...................oh yeah....I lie a lot!
Guess I am making fudge this weekend! LOL!
I would be going to a gastrologist . I have acid reflex and my primary was only prescribing prevacid . FINALLY was referred to GASTRO and he took upper and lower GI and removed 5 polups from my colon and determined I had acid reflux , ulcers and stomach was so inflamed was carrying alot of bacteria .... He put me on Nexium and its helping . PRIMARY only gives what they assume MIGHT help ... DEAL with a specialist .
You should not call your momma a witch! LOL was that a oops!

and MY FUDGE is FAT FREE, NO CALORIES, HEALTHY and ...................oh yeah....I lie a lot!
Guess I am making fudge this weekend! LOL!

LOL! i am so glad she is not on this thread.. i didn't even notice it

My mom ask me last night in the hospital..she look at me and said ( why are you keep talking about fudge? i swaer you are a fudge freak ) LOL!
I would be going to a gastrologist . I have acid reflex and my primary was only prescribing prevacid . FINALLY was referred to GASTRO and he took upper and lower GI and removed 5 polups from my colon and determined I had acid reflux , ulcers and stomach was so inflamed was carrying alot of bacteria .... He put me on Nexium and its helping . PRIMARY only gives what they assume MIGHT help ... DEAL with a specialist .

Thanks i will ask for a referral to a specialist tomorrow
you gave me alot of questions to ask

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