I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

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Personal experience.

There no true herbivore. :oops: I have to save chicks one too many times from cows...
That might be true in a backyard farm situation. But I am surrounded by cattle. There are no baby chicks in these fields. I suppose they might get hold of an occasional killdeer chick or a field mouse or even a baby rabbit on occasion if they're fast (jk), but I don't think meat makes up a staple of their diet.
That might be true in a backyard farm situation. But I am surrounded by cattle. There are no baby chicks in these fields. I suppose they might get hold of an occasional killdeer chick or a field mouse or even a baby rabbit on occasion if they're fast (jk), but I don't think meat makes up a staple of their diet.
They most likely get a wildlife snack one occasion. Our cows have over 10 acres for 3 cows, so they have more than enough roam.

A uh, technically not, fun fact that Deer are pretty common culprit for human bodies being spread about because they eat the bone for calcium.
? Deer spread human bodies around, do I understand correctly? Where do they get the bodies from? Most human bodies are buried six feet deep in metal coffins. I mean, I know those hooves are sharp, but ...?
There are research areas for crime labs that put human bodies out to see how the decompose to help with crime scenes. They found out the terrifying way it not always the foxes and wolves munching on them bones :oops:
That might be true in a backyard farm situation. But I am surrounded by cattle. There are no baby chicks in these fields. I suppose they might get hold of an occasional killdeer chick or a field mouse or even a baby rabbit on occasion if they're fast (jk), but I don't think meat makes up a staple of their diet.
Microbial processes. Cows have a rumen that is like a reactor.
Well I was speaking on human digestion and needs. But I’m going to guess it’s a lot like goats and other animals with rumen digestion. We can’t create our own so we have to eat them. Don’t believe me? Go eat like a cow and I will watch you waste away to nothing.
Have you heard of the microbiome? There's lots of stuff in your gut (and other animals' guts) that turns stuff we/they can't use into stuff we/they can digest and metabolize. Read something by Tim Spector if you want to know about it. Our understanding of nutrition is undergoing a little revolution right now.
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