I'm setting eggs tonight 2/2/12, any hatching buddies out there wanna join me?

Yes well I don't even use a temp or humidity guage with my hatch any more I trust it so much... I just make sure there is water in the middle trough then fill the next inner trough at lockdown...easy..but I can never get the last couple of eggs to hatch???
Soaring Chicks, what breed of turkey are you raising? We have Midget Whites and Narragansetts... can't wait to see what they look like when they hatch. We had planned on separating the two breeds to keep the lines pure, but never got around to it. I actually had 11 eggs in the bator, but now have 10 since one was a clear this morning. Added the chicken eggs and had 3 too many. So I put them on top of the other eggs that are on the turner.
9 are Americauna eggs and I'm not sure if they will end up being fertile. Last time I put in 2 green eggs and both were clear, so I don't know if the rooster has been fast enough to catch them this time around. Can't wait until next weekend to candle them to see how many will start development.

BooBear, you were sweet to not giggle too much at your outraged hen. I would have been laughing my butt off at her. Too funny!!! Wish there was a video of the whole thing.


I only have the Wishard Bronze Turkeys. My turkeys have just started to breed ,well try at least. this is their first year at it. So I cant wait to get eggs from them.
Well I candled last night and have 100% on two breeds (JG & Oel's)
Javas was 7 out of 10 all of these are pullet eggs .
the am's (2 )& Slw (4) were clear they were the very first eggs so I figured they would be but you never know.
The blrw's were just comeing out of a molt eggs even though the rooster was the last to molt i was hoping he was still doing his deeds. No that they are done they should be back in the game now.
I cheated and peeked at the next row just one or two out of every breed and they looked alot better on the ones that where not so good above. The young pullets of the blrw's eggs are growing great and should hatch ouut nicely with the others on the 14th. Funny how my breeds did great and Hubby's breeds are slackers.
I have been teasing him since I candled that my birds rule and his drool.
I could not help it.
I just candled! & even though I have no idea what I'm looking for, I did see veins in some of the eggs. (they are b/b/s/ ameraucana egg, so they are hard to candle) Only one was a total question mark to me. Guess I need to wait a few more days since its only day 5 & I don't know what I should or shouldn't be seeing. Just some more things chicken related to learn I guess!!
I just candled! & even though I have no idea what I'm looking for, I did see veins in some of the eggs. (they are b/b/s/ ameraucana egg, so they are hard to candle) Only one was a total question mark to me. Guess I need to wait a few more days since its only day 5 & I don't know what I should or shouldn't be seeing. Just some more things chicken related to learn I guess!!

i found this site very helpful. it shows you what your looking at through the egg shell (they are grown without the shell )http://haha.nu/amazing/the-birth-of-a-chicken/
Trying to wait to candle until Saturday night but you guys are making me antsy to see how my babies are doing. Today is day 3 for me so they aren't very far along maybe if I'm really good I can cheat and candle on Friday instead. So far the temp and humidity have been absolutely perfect with no issue. Can't wait to see how the hatch goes.
I just candled, and while I'm not completely sure about one, it appears everyone is developing as they should. I got a few low quality pics too.
Ok so I quickly candled mine tonight...I had 24 silkie eggs...

I threw away 3
and have 4 that are a maybe so I left them in there.
...so I have 17 with great veins and movement....

I only had 1 black silkie egg and it was empty

But guess what...I had a little white silkie girl who started laying last weekend...and my little blue boy only 5 mths was trying to mate her all week...I then sold her this week and she laid an egg just before she left so I threw it in the bator and I see veins in it tonight???? Can that be true? I didn't want a white and blue to mate but she was my first laying silkie so I will keep it if it hatches...this will be exciting....

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