Im so confused on what to do!


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Ok so im going to high school next year but I dont know which one to pick
Theres the technical high school were I can learn different trades then theres the normal one were all I learn is academic crap.I love love to cook and they have culinary arts at the tech but my dad and bro keep saying I cant go to college after that but they said I probably have the same chance as the other high school does too!In the tech it goes on and off I learn my trade for one weeks then academics the other.They have the nicest kitchen ever too!They even have a wood working class which I can apply to also so maybe I can learn how to make a chicken coop or something in there too.My mom seems the only one to be supporting me to go to the tech but my dad and brother are being such jerks I just dont know.One thing is is that all the druggies are going to the normal school and i dont want to be with them so I think ill sighn up for the tech..
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Wow, sounds like a tough decision. Can you talk to your guidance counselor at school and get their input? As far as going to the technical high school is concerned, it certainly can't hurt to learn some "saleable" skills.

Good luck!
Maybe you could join the ICE program ( it may be called something else in other areas). If you must go to the local high school, look into this allows students to go to work after usually 3 hours of schooling. I think our youngest employee was in 10th grade. Granted, you won't be able to do it this year, but you can plan on how to get out
next year if you don't end up going to the tech. school.

I'm confused as to why you couldn't go to college after the tech. school? Doesn't it count? Don't you get a diploma?
If I could do it all over again I would opt for techincal school and then if needed a 2 year college. I went with regular high school and a 4 year college degree.Book smarts but no specific skills.A waste. Go tech. You will have no issues getting into a college.I went to college after spending 2 years in Europe,and my grades were average.Colleges want money. I tell my kids that learning is nice,but they must gain usuable skills too. Best wishes whatever you choose.
I say tech school. I went to an alternative high school(after leaving reg highschool for truency.. oops I always cut class!!) anywho. I learned more at the alt. HS in 2 years then i would have in 4 at the traditional HS. Also learned about building and working with the community and worked with kids a lot!! AND I always went to class because it made things more interesting! We actually had chickens at the class.
(a bunch of polish the 2nd graders hatched!!) Ey im babbling!!

What I'm trying to say is a change of normal pace can really make the HS expirience more interesting!!
Thanks guys im going to the tech and if for some reason I dont like it there I can always go to the normal high school easliy.
The difference between the tech school and the local high school, is you have to apply to the tech school. So most of the people at the tech school really want to be there. The high school has both kids who want to be there, and ones that feel they have to be there whether they want to or not. Usually less discipline problems at tech schools, at least around here.
I wish I had had that option for high school. I would have jumped for the tech school. You can pick up any academics you feel you missed by picking up books, but it's much harder to apply what you find in books to real technical skills, at least in my experience.

You mentioned your dad says you can't go to college after the tech school. When you graduate from the tech school, don't you get a diploma just like you would at the other high school? If not, you can still get a GED. Many colleges accept a GED and just about any community college will accept a GED and most colleges will accept credits from a community college. You will have college options either way, particularly if you have good grades and can put some extracurricular activity on your application. It sounds to me like the tech school is going to give you the most well-rounded and most applicable education, particularly if you have aspirations of cooking for a living. Consider the types of things you would want to do with your life, look at which school is most likely to get you there, and go for it.
I think what Pringle's father means, is a "good" college. Some colleges really care a lot more about academics than technical qualities. You can still go to many colleges after tech school, but say Harvard or Yale and other Ivy league colleges probably not.
With all due respect, your father and brother are incorrect. You can go to college after tech. You may have to take some pre-requisites or remedial classes but all colleges want the best students no matter their background. Also, I assume the tech school has a way to grade your performance so that can help you get accepted.

I don't want to sound cynical because I'm not. I love academic pursuits, but another thing that would help you is to have financial aid prepared and ready. Money does talk, and schools love it when you pay them up front!!

You can get your education in any order just as long as you get an education. Remember that skilled labor is very valuable and you can live well in several fields including being a chef. (I also hear certified mechanics can clear $100,000/year!!) Keep up with your plan for your future - keyword: YOUR
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