I'm so confused...

All pullets!
I know that there has been a few threads where someone thought their eggs were fertile, but didn't have rooster.
It seems its not always the most reliable.
All are pullets, the ee are legbar mixes
Thanks for that info. I was wondering why each time I looked up "Easter Egger", the pictures the search returned never looked like mine. I just looked up Legbar, and that's a match. I guess Tractor Supply called them easter egger cause they have blue eggs.
The RIRs are females. I’ve never seen Easter Eggers that looked like that. I know there’s a pretty loose interpretation of them but these look way off. Could those be another breed I’m not familiar with?
Another poster pointed out that they are Legbars. Tractor Supply called them Easter Eggers, so that's all I had to go on. They do lay blue eggs.

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