IM SO MAD!!!! do i have a right to be????

You are absolutely right to be PO'ed. I'd call animal control and ask them to have a talk with her. There is no excuse for letting a dog wander the neighborhood and go in other peoples's yards. She needs a sturdy fence or to take her dog for walks. I suspect you are not the first person to be bothered by her wandering dog, just the first one to be clear with her about it.

It ticks me off when people think they have the right to let their dogs just wander wherever they want to go because "they're just being dogs." You do not have to keep your chickens cooped unless they are pestering the neighbors (likewise the dog but... he *is* pestering the neighbors and worse). This is NOT your fault. This is all on her.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Try to work things out with the neighbor but if they want to be difficult about it, call animal control.
I totally agree, the dog owner should be responsible for any damages that the dog caused on your property. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your birds.
One question though... are chickens legal in your neighborhood?? If not, it may complicate matters.
You can be mad all you want....bottom line though, is, your chickens were not behind a fence. The dog owner may be in the wrong, but that isn't going to bring the chickens back. If you want to protect your birds, you need to fence them in , or do not let them out unless you are going to be with them. Even then, you may not be fast enough to prevent a tragedy. Yes, you were in the right and the dog owner was in the wrong. That being said, the chickens will be just as dead the next time, unless YOU protect them. And don't get me wrong, I do have sympathy for you. I had a neighbor's dogs come onto my property and kill 3 beautiful half-grown silkies I had last year. If I could've caught them in the act, I would've shot them without hesitation. And I would've been well within my rights. Around here, a livestock killing dog gets no mercy. (rural georgia). However, my chickens are just as dead. Either fence them in, or fence them in and buy a gun.
THANK YOU ALL... Its nice to feel like my emotions are in the right. the really funny thing is the women is not the owner of the dog. she is my next door neighbor, she is good friends with the neighbors that dog got my chicks. that makes me more mad because its not any of her business to defend them to me, and she keeps going off about it. the neighbors whos dog got my chicks, they NO that it was ours but yet have said nothing to us like " hey im so sorry our dog got out at eat your chick. " its just rude. I love my chicks and i have not ever lost one before and to have it be all my babys im just down right mad about it. she is not helping the situation ether. but thank you all it help to vent to people who understand a love for chickens.
I am so sorry for your loss. And yes you have a right to be MAD. I would be. Your property your animals have a right to be on your property. The loss is the owners fault. Keep their dog home. I would report it and make the owner pay for the losses. It will not replace them but maybe it will teach the owner to keep her dog home.
to you and your family.
I have to admit I agree with GAchick - mine free range in our fenced yard, but I look at the neighborhood dogs as no different than the hawks and foxes in our area - I take a chance letting them free-range without me around. But I also agree that it's cowardly of the neighbor to not let you know, since she must have realized they were your birds and she was TOTALLY wrong to do that to your child - I think she was feeling guilty about it and his comment set her off. If I were you, I'd reinforce your yard - it doesn't sound like you have a fence - and talk to her about the precautions you're taking. Open up the lines of communication, cause I certainly wouldn't want bad blood with my neighbors.....
i apsolutely understand that and i do take some of the balm because my yard is not fence in. I think I just never had a second thought about it because nothing has ever happened like this and they stayed right in our yard. they are very good about that. i had seen the dog before but it never came into your yard, so out of sight out of mind i guess. but not anymore. thanks you for your input. I do need to think of a better way to protect them so this dose not happen again.

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