IM SO MAD!!!! do i have a right to be????

I try to not post when things are getting heated. But I feel like I need to. The chickens were on her property. The dog came onto her property. So therefore to me the dog owner was wrong not the OP. Why is it that because her chickens were out without a fence it is partially her fault it killed them? Sorry but I strongly disagree. If your animals are on your property than they have the right to be there. Any other animal coming on and killing them is the owners fault not the property owners fault. My Property my animals can do what they want. If they leave than I am responsible for the outcome.
I think everyone is right here. No one is arguing that the neighbor's dog has a right to be wherever it wants, or that the loss of our chickens isn't tragic, or that the evil neighbor is actually a hero and a good neighbor. It's just that life is extraordinarily complex, bad stuff happens, we can't possibly prevent it all, even when we think we're doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those we love.

But when bad things happen it is good to be able to learn something from it, and to grow, and to move forward with better plans, regardless of who was right and who was wrong.

The original poster was angry and heartbroken, and rightly so, in her care for her child and her chickens. But pushing all of the responsibility for life's trials away from ourselves and not taking the care to identify what our part may have been, even if it was a small part, so that we can change it and become better is necessary if we don't want to always live like victims. It sounds like she is taking responsibility for her part, and planning some changes, and that's a good thing, a strong thing about her. Please don't take that away from her.
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I'd suggest keeping the cat inside...permanently. My neighbor has like 5 cats that live outside all the time, even in the night. These cats wreak havoc in the area and kill tons of songbirds. It really annoys me. They had been eyeing my chickens for a while until one morning I found one of them about to pounce on one of my chickens. I grabbed my BB gun and needless to say, the cat is now blind in one eye.

Please, keep your cats inside.
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I'd invest in a paintball gun. Wont hurt the dog. Might scare him enough to keep him out of your yard. And the neighbor might get the message too! Otherwise warn her next time you will call animal control for killing livestock. I dont like BB guns, yes they do hurt the dog and penitrate the skin. Bottom line its your property and she needs to keep control of her dog and keep the kids out of it.
Or just get your chickens after your barn cat is old, deaf and half blind. That worked for me! My barn cat doesn't chase anything!
Had a ferel cat that was stealing eggs... it doesn't do that anymore because it is no longer among the living.
gypsy's chixs :

I'd invest in a paintball gun. Wont hurt the dog. Might scare him enough to keep him out of your yard. And the neighbor might get the message too! Otherwise warn her next time you will call animal control for killing livestock. I dont like BB guns, yes they do hurt the dog and penitrate the skin. Bottom line its your property and she needs to keep control of her dog and keep the kids out of it.

wont kill it maybe but hurt it yes pain ball guns can bruse hurt and brake the skin if you shot it in the right spot im sure you could do real damage.
check that out

not only dangerous to the dog but to whom is holding it.

so now i dont know about you but id stick with my BB gun

edit BWHAHAHA so my computer thought you wanted to see my ducks eggs instead of the thing i found hahaha
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If you shoot a dog with a paintball gun then you can get in trouble for animal cruelty.

Personally dogs in my yard get very little chance. If they are scared and lost then they get motivated to leave. The last lost dog was all excited to see me and wouldn't leave even though I was hosing it down. I ended up popping of a round into the ground. I didn't like that and left quite swiftly.

If they are aggressive and do the slightest thing to harass my chickens then it is SSS. Mr. Beagle? SSS.
Sorry to hear about your chicks. You are right to be angry and did nothing wrong. If you want to let your chickens out in your yard, you have a right to do so. What if you had a little yappy dog in your yard and your neighbor's dog came over and killed it instead of a chicken? I wonder what that woman would say?

I would sue her or call AC if you see her dog out again. All states and provinces in many countries have "at large" laws. That means that dogs are not allowed to run around off their owner's property or without their owner's control. If there is a way to do so, I would also file a report with the authorities about this.

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