I'm so old I Remember when:

The person looking in the mirror is rarely a good judge of her own beauty.
I never thought of myself as good looking. Someone told my mom that she thought I "had kind eyes." I looked at myself differently after that.

I notice eyes in other people when I meet them. Windows of the soul, after all.
The best beauty is on the inside. A lot of the girls that were considered attractive when I was in high school have had multiple husbands. Men were chasing the wrong thing.
Inner beauty is the only beauty worth aspiring to, IMO.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature.

Beautiful old people are works of art.
I never thought of myself as good looking. Someone told my mom that she thought I "had kind eyes." I looked at myself differently after that.
I took graduation photos for a friend a long time ago. She was about as much a tom boy as one can be. She did not take much interest in her looks.

One particular image I framed at 8"x10". When her girlfriends saw it, they all oohed and aahed and said: "Xxxx, you're a hottie!"

It completely changed her view of herself and caused her to take an interest in her appearance.

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