I'm so proud of my hens!

Hangin Wit My Peeps

11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Birnamwood, Wisconsin
I have 11 hens that just recently all started laying and today for the first time we got ELEVEN eggs! Even though it's COLD COLD COLD here and snowing they are just laying away
I have a heat lamp on 24/7 in their coop and they lay in the two nests that the heat lamp is aimed at LOL sometimes I will fine three hens in there at once
Congrats on the eggs, thats awesome!!! Mine haven't laid many in the past few months due to the whole molting process but this gives me hope that one morning i go out to the coop and find 7 eggs!!!
Dana! Nice to hear from you. Did that silkie end up being a boy or a girl? I think I ended up with two boys and only one girl
They are pretty though! Glad to hear Lucky is doing great after her ordeal here with the dogs! I'm still shocked about that one!
One of my nesting boxes is a 12 inch clay pot I brought with me from California. Yesterday when I was cleaning the coop I heard this uproar and 3 HUGE hens were having a debate on who was going to use it! When I left the coop they were ALL piled up in it. Sitting on each other... hanging over the sides etc. It was a scream.
This is a good place to say that I'm proud of my 4 hens, too!

One pullet started laying at 21 weeks. The others have been following at bat thru November with the last one's first egg about a week ago at 26 weeks.

The earliest layers are just settling down to about an egg a day but it is a little hit-or-miss, especially with the rookies (well, they are all rookies
). I looked back over the last 7 days and the Fab Four are producing at an 80% rate.

When I went out to the coop for the final time last night: 4 hens, 4 eggs - one day. Bases loaded . . . home run!!


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