I'm thinking I got 3 boys instead of 1


10 Years
Sep 18, 2010
Pine Valley (New Waverly), TX
I ordered 14 pullets and 1 EE cockeral from Ideal back in February. The marked EE cockeral does look and act to me like a boy, but now I'm starting to get suspicious of one of the buff orpingtons and one of the silver laced wyandottes. They're growing diffently from the others of their breed. These pictures are at 22 days.

Mr Feathers, EE. His wing feathers were slower to come in than the other EEs and the only one to have white tips. Also, his legs are HUGE compared to the others.

Rock, BO. He(?) also was slower to get feather length. Plus, his feathers are more tan than buff and he has a bigger comb and is starting to get little wattles. His tail was non-existant until a couple of days ago.

Granite, SLW. In comparing this chick to the other SLW, there's a size difference (much bigger here) and the comb is almost twice as wide. I don't know if that's enough differences in a wyandotte to note, but it does make him/her stand out. Also, the white on the feathers is more frosted than solidly encased in black.

I think your right.

Wattles and pink combs at that age are not what you want to see. Granite's comb looks pink in that pic.

I hope they are pullets like they are supposed to be but it doesn't look good right now.

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