I'm worried about my school's Muscovy drake.

It's nice of you to worry about him but I suspect he is probably fine. My Muscovy ducks are happy in my deep snow and freezing temperatures that last for months.
I would suggest you do some research on how ducks stay warm such as the special circulation they have so their feet don't freeze. Some of the best jackets and blankets are filled with feathers for a reason.
Also if you are feeding him, check out what is good food for a duck. Too many people, with good intentions, feed wild ducks bread. Maybe you could make friends with the cafeteria staff and get left-overs from them.
It's nice of you to worry about him but I suspect he is probably fine. My Muscovy ducks are happy in my deep snow and freezing temperatures that last for months.
I would suggest you do some research on how ducks stay warm such as the special circulation they have so their feet don't freeze. Some of the best jackets and blankets are filled with feathers for a reason.
Also if you are feeding him, check out what is good food for a duck. Too many people, with good intentions, feed wild ducks bread. Maybe you could make friends with the cafeteria staff and get left-overs from them.
Yeah, I don't feed him bread. My grandpa always used to tell me that could hurt them because then they don't eat the stuff they actually need to eat and they aren't getting nutrients. I do like the idea of befriending the cafeteria staff. I usually do get pretty close with the cafeteria staff at my schools. Thanks for the advice.
Your grandpa is right. Bread can hurt waterfowl if that's all they are eating, or mostly what they are eating, because it has carbohydrates but little or no protein. I've seen a lot of "feral" Muscovy ducks make it through winters okay, where the temps can get down in the 20s-30s, and occasionally in the teens. They certainly don't migrate, but they can fly away if water freezes or they are not getting enough food. You should feed him a balanced waterfowl feed, if you can afford it. Or mix in brand name cheaper cat food (Kit & Kaboodle, Purina Cat Chow, etc.) with whole feed corn and bird seed. Muscovy ducks eat a lot of stuff that other ducks won't eat, too, so cafeteria lettuces and such might be something he would like.

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