i'm worried!!


9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
Coldwater, MS
Okay so my wyndytte hen isn't doing so well. I thought she was egg bound but i don't know if she is, should i carry her to the vet?? I put vaseline on her vent, but i don't know if that worked. She isolates herself from the other chickens, they don't do anything to her though.. Her neck is really weird, like when she wants something she will peck for it and she will peck a little away from it.. And her pupils are really big and black, i think tomorrow i am going to take a picture of her.. and put it on here! PLEASE HELP ME!!! :)THANKS
I'm sorry I don't know enough to offer any help. But it sounds like its not her neck, she probably misses when she pecks at things because her vision is off. I hope someone will come along quick and give you advice. If you are inclined to take her to the vet, I wouldn't wait to post pictures. I would carry her to the vet. If she has something contagious, you want to know before all your chickens come down with it.

Perhaps your hen had a stroke, or a head injury. I would isolate her from the others, so that she can rest and doesn't get pecked, and put some vitamins/electrolites in her water. Does she eat and drink?

that's a picture of her.
If that photo isn't a recent photo of her current condition, and her pupils are wide open, that isn't a good sign and she could be nearing her end. That's usually the last thing that I notice when I'm loosing a bird, is the pupils dilate. She likely could have had a stroke.
The farm store, like Tractor Supply has the vitamins/electrolytes. It's a powder in a packeg, and it's around $2.00. Your hen looks pretty. I hope you have good luck with her, but don't feel to bad if you don't, because sometimes you never figure out what's wrong when it comes to chickens.


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