Imagination Station

Okie, new Assignment tomorrow morning! Put your Imagining hat on

Disputing just means arguing, what can be bad about that?
Next Assignment:
What if people only talked in sign language, and there was no verbal communication at all? {Hint: Try talking in sign language with your family and friends all day
  • Then people would forget how to talk, and the paralyzed people couldn't communicate.
  • But the people who couldn't talk, would understand everyone.
  • In big group meetings, you would have to look at everyone for their words.
  • It would be hard to train animals
  • If you woke up in the middle of the night, wanting to scream, no one would know
  • Cellphone calls would be ridiculous.

and so on..
I actually had a friend who was deaf so I do know a bit of sign language. ok here is my conclusion

1. It would be really hard to get peoples attention
2. The telephone would be useless
3. you would have to pay a lot closer attention to people to see if they where talking to you
4. deaf people would be able to understand everybody!
5. I would go crazy
Alright, these are all very good ideas. But let's dig a little deeper, hm? For example:

Exactly, but! If everyone always talked in sign language, those things would never have existed in the first place, correct?

But, if people always talked in sign language, no one would have known how to talk so they wouldn't forget anything.

Quote: Mmm, but if that was all you knew... the only way you ever knew to communicate...

I'm liking the ideas that you are coming up with, they are great. But I want a little more brain power. Think, dig, imagine.
ok here:
  • the world be would be more peaceful, and you could hear nature better
  • world leaders couldn't communicate very well, so their wouldn't be as much food exported, and places of hard deprivation would be in trouble.
  • blind people would have no communication whatsoever.
  • verizon and att wouldn't be in as much business ( phone calls)
Very good!
I didn't just start this thing to see what other people think about stuff. I started this so we could learn, use our imaginations, and really think. So let's learn.
Telecommunications would be diminished. We would have less need for satellites. We would be able to spend the money that we do on phone bills on things that are more important.
The aviation industry would probably be quite impacted too, and probably wouldn't exist on as large a scale as it does today. Radio stations wouldn't exist. (Isn't that sad? :lol:)

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