Immaculate conception?


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2017
South Island. New Zealand
One of our hens hatched 3 eggs over a month ago. She has been seperated from the tom for about 6 weeks. Today I was in the enclosure and found a newly laid egg on the ground! She was acting oddly yesterday but never imagined she was about to lay again. Will she continue to lay? Why does this happen? Thanks
One of our hens hatched 3 eggs over a month ago. She has been separated from the tom for about 6 weeks. Today I was in the enclosure and found a newly laid egg on the ground! She was acting oddly yesterday but never imagined she was about to lay again. Will she continue to lay? Why does this happen? Thanks
Laying eggs has nothing to do with whether or not a male of the species is there. The male is only required to be be present for the eggs to be fertilized.

Some hens will not lay again once they go broody, hatch and raise their chicks until the next laying season. Others will get right back to laying eggs as long as it is still the egg laying season. I had one hen that started laying just one week after hatching her brood.

Turkey hens can carry the male's semen for quite extended periods of time as long as they are laying but it usually does not manage to last through an incubation and hatching session. It is very likely that the eggs that your hen is currently laying are not fertile.

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