IMMEDIATE Advice Requested - chicks hatching (Problem Solved)


Apr 21, 2017
Our hen that hatched chicks last year with no problem has been sitting on four eggs. When I went to get eggs this evening, all that was left of one of the eggs was the shell; there was no chick to be found. A second egg was trying to hatch, and my DH advised over the phone that I help the chick with it's shell, so I did (maybe I shouldn't have done that) and Mama hen started pecking the chick. We assume now that she might have eaten the other one, and that is why we can't find it. I stuck the chick in a cardboard box with some newspaper, and it's sitting under a red lamp right now. Now there are two eggs remaining in the nest, under the hen; I REALLY don't want her to eat her other chicks as they hatch. Should I put the eggs in the box with the chick and see what happens? I don't have an incubator or access to an incubator.

I did put the egg shell in the box with the chick because that's what you are suppose to do for the first day or so to eat on, right? I need to find a little something to put water in for the chick.

Thank you.
3-Hour Later UPDATE: One of the other eggs is starting to hatch, so I took it out and put it in the box with chick. We have them in the garage where it is really hot, so we shut off the light for right now and will turn it back on later this evening after it has cooled down some more. DH figured the chick was probably going to be too hot right now with the light on, but the chick is doing good right now and VERY cute (of course).
I would leave the eggs with the mom, but take the chicks out as soon as they hatch or try and find another broody hen. I've never heard of putting the shells in for the baby chicks to eat, but it shouldn't hurt it as long as the chick also has food and water. I would also suggest buying some Save-A-Chick electrolyte powder to put in the water, you can buy this at most feed stores or online. Good luck!
Well, we just found the first chick that hatched (dead of course) up by our house. We let the chickens range today, not knowing there was a chick hatched. It's too bad, but at least now we know that she didn't eat her chick.
Do you think it is possible she wasn't trying to peck the chick as much as getting upset and trying to keep it away from you? I didn't see it, so maybe she was going to be mean but I've seen half hearted pecks by new moms who settled down fine and I've seen babies accidentally hurt by moms who panicked when they thought someone was messing with the chick. If something got the other chick, she may be pretty tightly wound right now.

If you don't have a good set up for chicks (I think you at least need a thermometer so you can keep it about 95 degrees in one section of the box) it might be easier if mom can be persuaded to care for the chicks. I know here are times when it doesn't always work and some birds are lousy moms, but I've always had success tucking chicks up under the mom about dark. It is too dark for them to peck chicks and somehow by morning they are all settled and comfortable. Considering she didn't eat the first chick, you can decide if you think it is worth a try or not.
If you decide to keep them out, you only need a light bulb. Not a lamp, if, from the sound of is warm where you are. I start with a 100 W. When they start staying away from the heat source, I go a 75,...then 60... then none. They grow pretty quick. They will do fine with chick feed and make sure they have plenty of clean water at all times too. Good luck with your new babies! Always fun.

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