Immediately after hatching, up to the first week:


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
For the first 4 or 5 days put the chicks on a "grippable" surface; for instance paper towel, equipment fabric or burlap work well. Such a surface permits chicks to figure out how to stroll without their legs slipping sideways, which could prompt spread legs, slipped tendons and other leg deformations.

Having a layer of feast upon the brooder floor, will permit the chicks to scratch around in it for the beginning couple of days giving them a great nutritious begin and thusly they don't consume an excessive amount of litter.

Despite the fact that chicks don't require food or water for the first 48 hours in the wake of bring forth, both are normally furnished when the chicks are exchanged to the brooder.

4 to 5 days later, chicks have lost their maladroitness and resolved where their nourishment and water sources are --as of right now you can spread some sort of litter on the floor, around the range of 2 to 4 inches profound. Shredded daily paper or some wood shavings work well for this reason. Whatever you pick, its vital to keep the litter clean and dry.
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Good tips. I'm picking up 6 chicks from a local farm on Saturday. I figured I'd go without any litter for the first week or so, but didn't think about the bin being too slippery.

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