I have read so much on this issue on this site. My chicken brahma, two year old, found a week ago with an impacted crop like a balloon. No foul smell. She was just laying in a corner. Picked her up and she started puking some of the liquid out. I put her in a warm place in a dog cage. Kept food away for 24 hours. Gave her the cinim, baker powder, etc. mix. and gave her vitamin water with apple cider. Messaged her 4 times a day. First two days a little bit better than it really got smaller to a hand full by day seven. I no longer feel any clumps, feels normal, just doesn't empty completely by morning. Put her on stool softener with scrambled eggs in morning and wet chicken flock food in afternoon. At night I take her food away, so I can examine her crop in the morning. Now I just noticed a large lump on left of vent and a small lump on right of vent. Put finger in vent and pushed lumps to vent and there is not a lump inside her so not an egg. Not sure what organs this could be. I have been concern what caused this in the first place so was going do a fecal test at the vet. I do have animal antibiotics, should I put her on this. I am so sad as I thought everything was going so well until I saw the lumps today when I was checking her over after the message.