Impact of Strong Wind at Roosting Time

What we did as winds started was put out some grains with a little feed mixed so the chickens could feed up which they did promptly. Then they went to rooster earlier that usual. If anything the wind helped them get up as all they had to to was jump with spread into wind to go up several feet with minimal flapping. Normally the chickens in trees roost with what is almost random orientation with respect to branches. With the wind most of the chickens settled with front oriented into wind. Wind was not strong enough to dislodge chickens. Worst of wind was done just before dark.

There was minimal crowing overnight compared to when it was warmer. I have ten roosters within earshot of bedroom window so easy to appreciate that difference.

This morning temperature extremes dropped by 30 F. Birds were quick to come off roost and go to where feed was put out yesterday morning.
What we did as winds started was put out some grains with a little feed mixed so the chickens could feed up which they did promptly. Then they went to rooster earlier that usual. If anything the wind helped them get up as all they had to to was jump with spread into wind to go up several feet with minimal flapping. Normally the chickens in trees roost with what is almost random orientation with respect to branches. With the wind most of the chickens settled with front oriented into wind. Wind was not strong enough to dislodge chickens. Worst of wind was done just before dark.

There was minimal crowing overnight compared to when it was warmer. I have ten roosters within earshot of bedroom window so easy to appreciate that difference.

This morning temperature extremes dropped by 30 F. Birds were quick to come off roost and go to where feed was put out yesterday morning.

This should be reassuring for people who worry about their chickens in the weather.

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