Impact/ sour crop on baby chick, please help me!

I'm sorry you're having difficulty with your chicks. They are hard to diagnose because they are so tiny and fragile.

FWIW, sour crop and impacted crops are two different things. Impacted crops are crops that are unable to empty. Sour crop is caused by a yeast infection in the crop.

To know if there really is a crop problem, take its food out of the brooder tonight and check its crop first thing in the morning. It should be empty/flat. If it isn't, then you know you've got a crop issue.

A new chick might just be exhausted. And, as others have pointed out, it might be too warm in your brooder. A warm side and a cool side is preferred so chicks can regulate their temps.

Let us know how it goes tomorrow.
Thank you!

Yes, I checked her crop this morning and I think it’s ok so impacted crop is not the case here. I’m not sure but she’s definitely has something else is going on. Her droppings have been generally like peanut butter in texture and consistency. She hunches, wings out, sleepy eyes. She does move around to get to her crumble and water, but I also noticed she stretches out her neck a few time, not constantly, but I saw that this morning.

im trying to upload a video here to show her....
Thank you!

i have since adjust the heat source to have one side with no heat source.

I checked her crop this morning and it seems ok. Thank you for asking me to do so! So I guess what I’m feeling is that she might have other problem then. Her droppings have been loose in general. It’s not watery, but the pasty, peanut butter Looking in texture and consistency.

Can you please view this video clip and let me know your thoughts ? She’s hanging out with the other chick that I dont know her breed. Thank you!
Thank you!

Yes, I checked her crop this morning and I think it’s ok so impacted crop is not the case here. I’m not sure but she’s definitely has something else is going on. Her droppings have been generally like peanut butter in texture and consistency. She hunches, wings out, sleepy eyes. She does move around to get to her crumble and water, but I also noticed she stretches out her neck a few time, not constantly, but I saw that this morning.

I’ve just upload a video clip of her, the speckled Sussex... Here’s another clip of her....

Gosh... so cute!

She does seem a little lethargic. Do you have NutriDrench? A couple drops would likely help. I swear by the stuff. I use it in chick's water pretty much the first 2 months. I've not had chivks with pasty butt or diarrhea. But they have had lots of energy.

And how long have you had her? I have had chicks be sleepy/exhausted for a couple days after I first get them.
Gosh... so cute!

She does seem a little lethargic. Do you have NutriDrench? A couple drops would likely help. I swear by the stuff. I use it in chick's water pretty much the first 2 months. I've not had chivks with pasty butt or diarrhea. But they have had lots of energy.

And how long have you had her? I have had chicks be sleepy/exhausted for a couple days after I first get them.

She’s definitely not well. I’m so sad. I don’t know if you can see from the clips, but I think she’s about 10 days old?? Mainly because she has more tiny feathers developed. We just got her on Saturday’s afternoon. But she did live in a brooder from the feed store that does not have a good record of good husbandry. I’m very worried for her and would like for her to be healthy and well. Her droppings are consistent of loose dropping, peanut butter in color.

Could she have worm, cocci, and/or sour crop at the same time?

I ran out of nutridrench so I’ve been switching from ACV to electrolyte. I’m going to get nutridrench.

Thank you!
She’s definitely not well. I’m so sad. I don’t know if you can see from the clips, but I think she’s about 10 days old?? Mainly because she has more tiny feathers developed. We just got her on Saturday’s afternoon. But she did live in a brooder from the feed store that does not have a good record of good husbandry. I’m very worried for her and would like for her to be healthy and well. Her droppings are consistent of loose dropping, peanut butter in color.

Could she have worm, cocci, and/or sour crop at the same time?

I ran out of nutridrench so I’ve been switching from ACV to electrolyte. I’m going to get nutridrench.

Thank you!

How many times has she pooped the "peanut butter" texture poop? Are you sure it just wasn't a cecal poop?

Too be honest here, I am not seeing anything wrong with the chick, everything you describe can be attributed to just needing to adjust into the new brooder. My chickens often will yawn or gasp to adjust their crops if they have just eaten or had a drink, gape worms would be if her beak was always open and gasping and she was constantly "yawning". If her crop flattened than she doesnt have a sour or impacted crop. Generally, you first get an impacted crop that turns "sour" as the yeast builds up and starts eating the food that is now stuck in the crop.

Why don't you just add your mix to the chicks water supply "I prefer chick booster for the probiotics" and go "hands off" for a day. You never know if all the different interventions you do are actually having a negative effect.
How many times has she pooped the "peanut butter" texture poop? Are you sure it just wasn't a cecal poop?

Too be honest here, I am not seeing anything wrong with the chick, everything you describe can be attributed to just needing to adjust into the new brooder. My chickens often will yawn or gasp to adjust their crops if they have just eaten or had a drink, gape worms would be if her beak was always open and gasping and she was constantly "yawning". If her crop flattened than she doesnt have a sour or impacted crop. Generally, you first get an impacted crop that turns "sour" as the yeast builds up and starts eating the food that is now stuck in the crop.

Why don't you just add your mix to the chicks water supply "I prefer chick booster for the probiotics" and go "hands off" for a day. You never know if all the different interventions you do are actually having a negative effect.

So this morning, while I was rinsing out the diaper clothes I used to give them some warmth and comfort during the night, I found worm. I am horrified !

Do you know what’s the dosage for a baby chick? She’s only 42 gram in weight.

Thank you!
You can try Corid, unless they're on medicated feed. It won't hurt to treat them for it even if they don't have coccidiosis. I wonder if you saw intestinal lining. Worms are usually ingested, as far as I know. I don't know dosage for worms for chicks. You might do a search of BYC for that. I'll see what I can find.

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