Impacted crop(?) and chick not eating properly


Nov 25, 2020
Hi all,

I've got currently 4 chicks in the brooder. This one in particular is a buff orpington, about 3-4 weeks old. She's pretty well feathered, almost fully. Recently, I've noticed that she's been eating a lot of the shavings that land in her feeding bowl, but not really interested in the wet mash I've been feeding them. She eats a lot of the shavings, but not much of the food, maybe a few bites here and there. The other chicks have a much greater appetite, and I'm worried because she feels a lot lighter to hold compared to her identical sister, (also 3-4 weeks) and doesn't eat nearly as much. I don't think it's cocci, because there's currently amprol in their water.

Today, when I felt her crop, it felt like there was a hard mass there, and she was jerking her body like chickens with an impacted crop do. I gave her some water with a tiny bit of epsom salt dissolved into it, and some olive oil through a dropper. After she slept, the mass seemed to be gone, but she still wasn't really interested in eating. She'll drink water regularly and her poop is normal (solid, no diarrhea or discoloration) and she's still pretty active and attentive. She just really only wants to eat the wood shavings that land in the feeding bowl. Hopefully, she'll get better during the night - if not, i'll see how she feels about scrambled eggs in the morning, but in the meanwhile, I'd really appreciate any advice!

Vid of her:
Henora has a good suggestion, offer chick grit and I'd pop some coconut oil into her. If it's cool it will be somewhat solid and easier to get pea size pieces into her beak.

Can you move her somewhere without shavings for a few days and see if she changes her behavior?

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