Impacted Crop as of Friday afternoon - no change!


7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
Hi all! I have a 1 year old EE hen that's got an impacted crop. She was okay Friday morning. Friday afternoon I noticed she was not her normal self. I picked her up and for a second thought she was stung/bit as her crop was swollen. Then I remembered reading something on it. I came inside and sure enough I confirmed it was impacted crop. Friday night we gave her a mix of olive oil/water, Saturday morning we did the same. Saturday night and today we gave 1 tsp mineral oil. She's walking about but slowly (normally she's one of my most energetic hens) and the mass is not changing. What do I do next? I'm worried about her. Today is a full 48 hours. It's about the size of a golf ball and she's a small hen.

I read about the surgery to do and cannot do it. I get weak in the knees over the smallets cuts or a pimple for that matter. I know I'm a sissy. I said I'd never take a chicken to the vet but will Monday if need be.

Does anyone have helpful advice? I'm in MN (Princeton) so if anyone knows of anyone to help or that has overcome this I'm all ears.

Thank you on behalf of Kamikazee!

Yes! Daily. Every time we give her the oil and/or water we have been massaging it. I was ill today but got a lot of water in her with a syringe after giving her a teaspoon of mineral oil. Later this evening my husband told me it was much smaller. I couldn't get out to see her tonight so am hopeful tomorrow morning brings good things. If not I'm going to find a vet that will work on her. She's truly one of my favorites.


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