Impacted or sour crop?

We are dealing with a similar issue with our 8 month old hen. Her crop got huge and literally felt like a bag of gravel. We’ve had her inside for several days now giving her four droppers full of olive oil twice a day. She poops out a large pile of gravel every night and her crop has gone down considerably! We offer her scrambled eggs and crushed chicken food but she doesn’t want to eat very much and isn’t really drinking either. Otherwise she seems in good spirits. She had also developed wounds under her crop from trying to lift it in order to walk so we also want those to heal before we let her join the flock. If it clears up we are still concerned about pendulous crop and about her eating more gravel. I’m no expert so any feedback is welcome. Hope this helps.
Oh that sounds scary. I’m not doing that much olive oil. Maybe I’ll try. We use sand in our coop, so I hope she’s not ingesting too much gravel if that’s possible. She is really excited to eat yogurt and I soaked bread and olive oil like others suggested. I am home alone this week so it’s hard for me to get a dropper full down her throat. She’s definitely in higher spirits and her tail is up and she’s walking around in her enclosure. Until that crop goes down though, I’m still going to be nervous! Her poop is still just liquid. Is your girl’s crop getting smaller incrementally?
I like to 'melt' the CO into some crumble....was very easy to administer that way.
With some massage to help break up lump.
I kept bird crated until she was clear.
She got a few days of CO then 6-7 days of miconazole, also 'melted' into crumble.
Fed nothing but that until crop empties and poops come thru solid.
Oh that sounds scary. I’m not doing that much olive oil. Maybe I’ll try. We use sand in our coop, so I hope she’s not ingesting too much gravel if that’s possible. She is really excited to eat yogurt and I soaked bread and olive oil like others suggested. I am home alone this week so it’s hard for me to get a dropper full down her throat. She’s definitely in higher spirits and her tail is up and she’s walking around in her enclosure. Until that crop goes down though, I’m still going to be nervous! Her poop is still just liquid. Is your girl’s crop getting smaller incrementally?
Oh that sounds scary. I’m not doing that much olive oil. Maybe I’ll try. We use sand in our coop, so I hope she’s not ingesting too much gravel if that’s possible. She is really excited to eat yogurt and I soaked bread and olive oil like others suggested. I am home alone this week so it’s hard for me to get a dropper full down her throat. She’s definitely in higher spirits and her tail is up and she’s walking around in her enclosure. Until that crop goes down though, I’m still going to be nervous! Her poop is still just liquid. Is your girl’s crop getting smaller incrementally?
Yes, getting better each day. I’d say she poops out 3-4 tablespoons of gravel each day. It’s gone from baseball size to golf ball size in about 4 days. Helpful to have two people to administer. I personally wouldn’t use sand in my coop/run after this experience though.
I like to 'melt' the CO into some crumble....was very easy to administer that way.
With some massage to help break up lump.
I kept bird crated until she was clear.
She got a few days of CO then 6-7 days of miconazole, also 'melted' into crumble.
Fed nothing but that until crop empties and poops come thru solid.
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It’s about 6° here, so unfortunately coconut oil won’t work. I am doing this with a mix of crumble, yogurt, and olive oil. She seems to be excited to eat it. It’s the first food she’s had in 24 hours. Well, I did give her a tiny bit of yogurt earlier today. I’m afraid to give her too much food though. The size of her lump is going down, but there is still a golf ball of putty in there.
Yes, getting better each day. I’d say she poops out 3-4 tablespoons of gravel each day. It’s gone from baseball size to golf ball size in about 4 days. Helpful to have two people to administer. I personally wouldn’t use sand in my coop/run after this experience though.
I’m starting to think I might have caught this early. Goose’s crop went from baseball size to golf ball size since yesterday. Now it feels a lot like putty and has less of that grainy feel to it. Her tail is up tonight too!


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Mix it up in the house, after CO is soaked into crumble take it out and feed it.
As long as there's not too much CO it should crumble.
It turns to a rock. I tried it with less CO too and she still won’t eat it. Rock hard. Olive oil seems to work for her willingness to ingest it.
We are dealing with a similar issue with our 8 month old hen. Her crop got huge and literally felt like a bag of gravel. We’ve had her inside for several days now giving her four droppers full of olive oil twice a day. She poops out a large pile of gravel every night and her crop has gone down considerably! We offer her scrambled eggs and crushed chicken food but she doesn’t want to eat very much and isn’t really drinking either. Otherwise she seems in good spirits. She had also developed wounds under her crop from trying to lift it in order to walk so we also want those to heal before we let her join the flock. If it clears up we are still concerned about pendulous crop and about her eating more gravel. I’m no expert so any feedback is welcome. Hope this helps.
How is your girl doing? This morning, goose only had a small mouse in her crop. Maybe the size of a large marble. I kept her separate today and continued giving her water and soft food. She seems to be behaving completely normal now. I will probably keep her separate again tomorrow just to make sure she is only eating easy to process foods.

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