~~Important Clarification PSA~~

Trust me. I wanted to use another word, but figured that was not BYC appropriate.
I AM NOT selling fakes! I am the original developer of this rare breed.
Ah yes of course. This is like how Ameraucanas were developed from Araucanas.

Ameraucanananananas were developed from Amerucanananannas. They are two seperate breeds. You developed the Amerucanananananana.

EDIT: misspelled.
Ah yes of course. This is like how Ameraucanas were developed from Araucanas.

Ameraucanananananas were developed from Amerucanananannas. They are two seperate breeds. You developed the Amerucanananananana.

EDIT: misspelled.
ohh whats the differrence between ameraucananananas and amerucananannas
Ah yes of course. This is like how Ameraucanas were developed from Araucanas.

Ameraucanananananas were developed from Amerucanananannas. They are two seperate breeds. You developed the Amerucanananananana.

EDIT: misspelled.
oh lord I dont even know

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