The 80's were my decade. :celebrate I was there when MTV became a thing. I remember sitting for hours just to tape my favorite videos. :lol:

I honestly love 80s music and movies and stuff :lau

I know a lot of people don’t but I do haha

I like other stuff too but a lot of 80s stuff is so good aha

and MTV was awesome!! I miss it!! :hit
In 2020 I’ll get to the next level of awesome awesome game and fun for me to play it and then I’ll be fun and awesome to get my new one and then get a great new place for the best food I had in the area and I love it.
In 2020 I'll be out of the house and then I will be back in the morning and I will be back in the morning and I will be back in the morning and I will be back in the morning and I will be back in the morning.

Quick question: What time will I get back?:lau:lau:gig:gig:lau



Guess it wanted to be sure everyone knew lol

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